We assume there are only three spatial dimensions because those are the ones we sense. Baylor computer engineering prof Robert J. Marks asks, What if there are four?:
I teach a graduate course entitled Multidimensional Signal Processing. The mathematical treatment of four, five or even an infinite number of dimensions is considered. Visualizing higher dimensions can be aided by understanding what happens in three or fewer dimensions. For example, I teach students how to visualize and play four dimensional tic-tac-toe by interpreting the game as a series of games in three dimensions…
Some Biblical miracles can be explained if there were four spatial dimensions. When the Flatlander was asked to point in the direction of UP, the best he could do was point north. You and I seem similarly constrained. When we are asked to point to a heaven in the fourth dimension, the best we can do is point up to the sky…
Extending this 2D to 3D example to 4D leads to the conclusion that if there were access to the fourth dimension, links of three dimensional chains can be separated without bending or cutting. Learning from the 2D chain, the 3D chain simply needs to be taken to the fourth dimension and separated. No saw or chain cutter is needed.
Such an event is documented in the Bible when the apostle Peter was imprisoned and chained by King Herod:
“ACTS 12: 6b-7. Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards in front of the door were watching over the prison. And behold, an angel of the Lord suddenly appeared and a light shone in the cell; and he struck Peter’s side and woke him up, saying, “Get up quickly.” And his chains fell off his hands.”
Was access to the fourth or higher dimension used in this miracle? Possibly. A fourth dimension explanation is certainly compelling.
Robert J. Marks, “Can higher dimensions help us understand biblical miracles? ” at Mind Matters News
Takehome: Some Biblical miracles are better understood if we assume four spatial dimensions. The short novel Flatland (1884) helps us understand.