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At Mind Matters News: Has a superintellect monkeyed with our universe’s physics?


Groundbreaking astronomer Fred Hoyle was a staunch atheist but then he tried showing that carbon, essential to life, could form easily…

Stephen C. Meyer: Now, some of the most important fine tuning parameters were first discovered by Sir Fred Hoyle, a British Australian astronomer and astrophysicist. Hoyle was in his early career a staunch atheist. And in fact he was quoted as saying that, “Religion is but a desperate attempt to find an escape from the truly dreadful situation in which we find ourselves.” [Harper’s Magazine, 1951] He went on to say that people didn’t like him because he took away hope by saying things like that.

In any case, Hoyle was working on theories of how carbon formed. And he was struck by a big mystery, which is, why is there so much carbon in the universe? He realized that carbon was super important, because carbon forms, long chain-like molecules that are necessary for any form of life to exist. Without carbon there is no possibility of life.

News, “Has a superintellect monkeyed with our universe’s physics?” at Mind Matters News (August 14, 2022)

Takehome: It got worse for Hoyle: To form carbon at all, gravitational forces must be balanced just right with the electromagnetic forces. That’s just the start…

Steve Meyer is the author of The Return of the God Hypothesis.

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Hoyle was quoted as saying that, “Religion is but a desperate attempt to find an escape from the truly dreadful situation in which we find ourselves.” Such a belief is one that people choose. It is not forced on them; people are free to choose to believe whatever they want. The question is, "Does that belief make sense or not?" Here, honesty is required, but to believe there is no God, no Creator, is to believe that all that there is simply materialized out of nothing. When we try to make sense of that idea, we find we can't. As soon as we try to imagine something coming from nothing, our brains categorize nothing as being something. Trying to imagine how gravitational forces balance with electromagnetic forces to make long carbon chains, out of nothing, just makes matters worse. Hoyle didn't realize that the nonsense in his own thinking was the root of the "dreadful situation" in which he found himself. In other words, he was as he believed himself to be. He sought to believe something which makes no sense to human brains. This is the very definition of insanity. Symptoms of insanity do not include peace, joy, happiness which people who chose the God idea most often report. Symptoms of insanity include desperation, fear, dread, self-pity, worry. The latter is consistent with Hoyle's view of the "dreadful situation" in which he lived—by his own choice brilliant though he was.Red Reader
August 21, 2022
02:18 PM

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