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At Mind Matters News: The remarkable medicines wild animals find in nature


The “animals’ pharmacy” mainly aims at treating parasites and wounds using plants and insects. But there are some unknowns here:

Is medication use a sign of intelligence? That’s not clear. In the case of animals already known to be intelligent — dolphins, chimps, elephants, dogs, and cats, for example — we can assume that the ability to foresee and remember a benefit and to learn from others plays a role in turning an accidental discovery into a habit.

But what about insects? Take butterflies:

Denyse O’Leary, “The remarkable medicines wild animals find in nature” at Mind Matters News (May 24, 2022)

Take the monarch butterfly that lays its eggs on milkweed, which has antiparasite effects. “All we have to do is look at a healthy monarch butterfly and a sick monarch butterfly,” says Jacobus de Roode, assistant professor of biology at Emory University, who specializes in the beautiful creatures. “Now, a sick monarch butterfly is really affected by these parasites. The parasites bore little holes in the abdomen, and she will lose some of her bodily fluids and doesn’t feel good.” The changes in her physiology can change the way she responds to smells of the vegetation around her and she may have a genetic preference for these that would do her good.

Joel Shurkin, “Animals that self-medicate” at Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Dec 9; 111(49): 17339–17341.

Fruit flies do something similar: They ensure their larvae are dunked in ethanol (alcohol) to drive off deadly parasitoid wasps.

Takehome: While intelligent animals like dolphins may sense cause and effect, we don’t know how butterflies and fruit flies pick out the plants that can help.

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When I took biology in high school, some of the more mischievous boys were able to turn several lab rats into alcoholics. Apparently, this isn't easy to do. When rats eat something that makes them sick, they never eat it again. What the boys did was give them just a little from an eyedropper every day. They slowly increased the dosage over time. The climax was when a substitute teacher was present, one of the guys fed the rats a large amount of alcohol. As a result, the intoxicated rats raced across the floor of their cage, up the wall of the cage, across its ceiling, down the other wall, and across the floor again. They repeated this continually while squeaking loudly and making a racket. The substitute asked something like, "What in the world is wrong with those rats??" Pretty funny at the time, but the rats became mean and dangerous. I've read that elephants and bees also can get drunk in nature. -QQuerius
May 27, 2022
09:05 AM
Pleasure is the natural tool of medicine. Nicotine and alcohol are enjoyable for a reason. Alcohol is an interesting variable. Some mammals crave alcohol and enjoy fermented fruit. Bears and squirrels are notorious drunks. But dogs HATE alcohol and will try to persuade humans to avoid it. Is this a selfish taste or an altruistic taste?polistra
May 26, 2022
09:03 AM

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