I wrote the index to Nature of Nature , a multilateral discussion of the issues around intelligent design (which originated in a conference that got Bill Dembski fired from Baylor while back.)
Hardest index I ever wrote, and I have written hundreds. What makes it difficult is that – unlike with most books – the authors disagree about just about everything. So one can’t just identify indexable terms, one must actually read. Such a rare practice these days. I ended up just telling the publisher to be patient – as I would have to be – so I could get it right.
But that index should be good for the reader, to help identify sources for widely made assumptions. For example:
– fine-tuning dismissed (de Duve), 353
– fine-tuning doubted (Tooley), 882–83
– global tuning (Gonzalez), 623–25
– global vs. local tuning (Gonzalez), 602–3
– Many Worlds Hypothesis (MWH) (Craig), 911–12
– multiverse vs. fine-tuning, 485
– possible causes outlined (McMullin), 84–85
– string theory and fine-tuning (Gordon), 576–83
– Theory of Everything (TOE) (Craig), 910–12.
See also cosmology
Not many trolls have posted reviews at the ‘Zon yet. That can’t be because they haven’t read the book. Trolls don’t read; they just react. More likely, the book’s multipartisan nature scrambled the trolls’ polarity. They’re probably all clumped together somewhere, like a pile of fridge magnets.