Yeah, that guy. Him. This time here.
Motivation guru and author Dr Deepak Chopra on Friday challenged Darwin’s theory of evolution, saying it is “consciousness” and not “random mutations and natural selection” that explains where the human beings today are.
“Charles Darwin was wrong. Conscsiousness is key to evolution and we will soon prove that,” the celebrated motivational guru said at the India Today Conclave 2015 in New Delhi. More than a 100 years ago, Darwin had established that all species of life descended from common ancestors. More:
Actually, Darwin did not establish common ancestry so much as he made it an excellent living for otherwise possibly useless people.
His cause means, for example, that if human beings have justice systems and chimpanzees don’t, some dumb anthro ass prof must be dispatched to the jungles to prove that chimps do have justice systems.
For the naturalist, it’s not a frill. It’s essential. Chimps must really be us in some important sense. That is, whatever sense happens to be important at the moment to the cocktail set.
In his hour-long address in a session titled ‘Wired Wellness: Ageless Body, Timeless Mind’, the US-based doctor, author and enterprenuer said the “obsolete” world today suffers from a “reductionist model”, where the insistence is on genetics and the molecular basis of life.
“The human mind is an embodied and relational process that regulates the flow of energy and information in an ecosystem,” he said, adding, “All the cells in the body do not only participate in, but actually listen to the conversation anyone holds.”,
Now there, some of us would say, hey, wait a minute.
Some of us think that language has at least some feet in the natural world, even if some of its aspects are necessarily abstract and conceptual.
That is, our fingernails are probably not listening in on our phone calls or trying to tell us anything.
Maybe something within us is trying to tell us something, maybe urgently. But naw, it’s not our fingernails.
See: Can we talk? Language as the business end of consciousness
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