From Steve Williams, author of What your atheist professor doesn’t know but should, in the Honolulu Church and State Examiner, the “Software” of Life Argument for an Intelligent Designer, Part seven:
Going back to hard Science, another one of the problems that Darwinism must solve (ha ha) is summed up very well by biophysicist, Hubert Yockey. The “problem” is that the genetic code has error-minimization abilities built into it that are astonishing. The particular question addressed in his book Information Theory and Molecular Biology is: “If the genetic code could change over time to yield a set of rules that allowed for the best possible error-minimization capacity, then is there enough time for this process to occur?” Yockey determined that natural selection would have to explore 1.4 x 10 to the 70th power (1.4 followed by 70 zeros, a very, very large number!) different genetic codes to discover the universal genetic code found in nature. The maximum time available for it to organize the universal code-of-life was estimated 6.3 x 10 to the 15th power seconds or 200 million years. Darwinian processes would have to evaluate roughly 10 to the 55th power codes-per-second in the available time to find the one that’s universal. Put simply, Darwinism lacks the time necessary to find the universal genetic code by many billions of trillions of years (literally).
On top of this, as if to kick a dead theory when it’s down, Nobel Laureate (and co-discoverer of DNA) Francis Crick argued that the genetic code can’t evolve in any substantial way, because if the rules of the code were altered in any direction, it would result in a catastrophic condition for the cell. Can you say “intractable problem”? More.
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