Tom Bethell’s first Darwin skeptic article appeared in Harper’s in 1976. A copy does not appear to be extant online. In 2017, Bethell wrote Darwin’s House of Cards, summarizing his view.
To have won the admiration of Tom Wolfe is no small accomplishment for a journalist. Bethell was a vivid personality and highly independent. He could be entertainingly irascible, as he demonstrated in an email list in which we both participated.
David Klinghoffer, “Iconoclast: Farewell to Tom Bethell” at Evolution News and Science Today:
Our photographer and philosopher friend, Laszlo Bencze, writes to say, “I am very saddened to hear of Tom Bethell’s death. Not only was he pivotal in my turning away from Darwinism due to his 1976 Harper’s article which I clipped from the magazine and still have but we also became friends during one of his visits to California. He allowed me to do an edit on his book, Darwin’s House of Cards. It was so well written that my suggestions were rather minor. We lost touch with one another due to his Parkinsonism which made it very difficult for him to type. He was erudite and a true gentleman. I attach one of my portraits of him below.”
Photographed in my living room 29 May 2013
Laszlo Photographer, Inc.916-742-4526
Mining Gallery: