From Sabine Hossenfelder at Forbes:
… the LHC found the Higgs but no evidence for anything new besides that. No supersymmetry, no extra-dimensions, no black holes, no fourth generation, nothing. This means that the Higgs-mass just sits there, boldly unnatural.
Enter the multiverse.
The multiverse idea states that there are infinite numbers of Universes like our own, and infinite ones with differences.
Not only would anything that could happen actually happen in some universe within the multiverse, but anything that can happen would happen infinitely many times. Therefore, the multiverse also contains infinitely many universes that are almost exactly like our own, including our planet, and me, and you. But in some of these other universes, a dark matter particle gave you cancer ten years ago. Don’t worry that you might accidentally get condolences for your other self, though. The universes aren’t causally connected and information exchange not possible.
Now to the point:
Since theoretical physicists haven’t found an explanation for the smallness of the Higgs-mass, they now try to accept that there simply may be no explanation. And if there is no explanation, so the argument goes, then no single value is special, and this must mean that all possible mass values have the same right to existence. In this case there should be a universe for any possible value of the Higgs mass. And for any possible value of every other particle’s mass. In other words, there should be a multiverse which contains universes for all possible combinations of parameters.
In the multiverse, the value of the Higgs would be selected only to the extent that it needs to enable the development of life like ours – the so-called “anthropic principle.” But since the development of life isn’t well understood itself – and in any case certainly not the domain of physicists – this is presently a fairly vague requirement. More.
Reality check: “Vague” is one way to describe it.
There probably never will be evidence for a multiverse. But as our next story up will show, getting it enforced as a dogma is the goal, which would mean that all issues created by evidence of design in nature are obviated in principle.
But, of course, that’s not all that is obviated. The proposed war on falsifiability, togain acceptance fort he multiverse as a starting point in understanding reality is a war on evidence. As the war drifts down through the system, it will put science into a terminal decline.
See also: Copernicus, you are not going to believe who is using your name. Or how.
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This vid makes perfectly clear that the multiverse idea is concocted as an alternative to design which is “totally, totally wrong” for no apparent reason: