Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Frank Turek asks: Why do atheists so often seem to be angry?


Food for thought, here.

(U/D: News has a poignant case in point, here.)


U/D Nov 9: In tracking responses and access elsewhere I see that the folks over at Anti-Evo have been busy with atmosphere poisoning ad hominems (here, especially the new talking point that I am a liar), sadly, amply documenting the main point of this post. I note for record:

It should be clear to any responsible person:

(i) that there are NO, ZIP, ZILCH responsible Bible believing Christians who support genocide, INCLUDING Dr Craig — that should not even be a question,

(ii) the spreading of a false accusation against any significant number of such will lead to the spreading of a much broader false accusation (one that by the way ALSO implies that Jews who take the scriptures seriously support genocide — see how poisonous this is . . . ) against Christians in general

(iii) Such poisonous slander can also be spread by making invidious associations and asking loaded questions, and it seems

(iv) will easily be believed by a fringe of people who seem to harbour a lot of bigoted hostility against Christians — “ignorant, stupid, insane or wicked” — as we have seen here at UD in recent days [cf here and here, note onward links]

. . . so, it is high time that responsible people stop this nonsense before someone innocent gets seriously hurt as the unhinged fringe of the fringe goes off the deep end.

Blood libel is how pogroms get started.