Later today, Dr. Douglas Axe of the Biologic Institute will be presenting to the Apologetics Academy, a weekly free, live interactive webinar with top scholars representing positions from across the theological and philosophical spectrum. Normally, the webinar takes place on Saturday. However, this week, Dr. Douglas Axe will be speaking today, Friday. His topic is his recent book, Undeniable: How Biology Confirms Our Intuition That Life is Designed. The webinar officially begins at 8pm GMT / 3pm EST / 2pm CST / 12noon PST, and can be accessed by clicking on the following URL:
Doing so will immediately prompt you to download the Zoom software we use. You will then be automatically connected to the webinar room. Whatever your position, there will be plenty of opportunity to interact with the speaker and ask your questions. Or you can simply watch and listen anonymously. I hope to see many of you there!