Humans tend to develop our own impressions of what matters in time and space, which is hard to coordinate with machine measurements:
About the Digital Time assumption, Gilder tells us: “It is that time moves incrementally by discrete steps according to the computer clock pulse rather than in analog continuity with infinite gradations. Time may be both continuous and infinite, not discrete and capped.”
True. We don’t really experience time the way a machine does. Eric Holloway offers a thought: “If our mind is just a computer, then each clock tick makes our mind process another chunk of information, and all minds on the computer will tick in unison.”
Of course, we don’t experience time like that at all. As one of the fundamental dimensions of the universe, time doubtless has a regular flow. But people stuck behind a flock of Canada geese crossing a road don’t experience time in the same way as people rushing to complete a report in time for the Big Board Meeting in two hours. Long, complex dreams may unfold in a few moments of REM sleep, where the passage of time is actually a user illusion. Trying to coordinate time as the pulse of a machine with the human sense of time is not likely to work very well.
News, “Do time and space mean the same thing to humans as to computers?” at Mind Matters News