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Gravity Does Not Account For Itself


In response to my last post jurassicmac writes: “Darwinism has nothing to say about God other than that natural processes seem to be sufficient to account for life. I find it odd that the same amount of vitriol isn’t directed at Laplace for showing that the orbits of planets can be explained without invoking supernatural intervention. Darwin did for biology what Laplace (and Newton) did for astronomy: provide an explanatory framework. Why is Darwin vilified and Laplace not?”

It is true that Laplace refined Newton’s calculations and finally showed that the orbits of the planets can be accounted for by a “scientific law,” in this case, the law of gravity. But what is a “scientific law”? It nothing but an observed regularity. The law of gravity does not cause the planets to move in their orbits. It merely describes how they move now that they are moving. How did the planets begin to move in the first place? We don’t know. And where does a law come from? Science does not (because it cannot) speak to that question. From science’s perspective, the law of gravity just is. To the questions of where gravity came from and why it has the properties that it has (as opposed to any of an infinite number of properties it could have), the scientist qua scientist must remain mute, for he can have no answers.

It never ceases to amaze me when people assert something along the lines of God is not necessary to explain “X” because “X” can be accounted for on the basis of scientific laws. What? Do those scientific laws account for their own existence and properties? Now that’s a neat trick.

UPDATE:  And by the way, the reason Darwin catches more flack than Laplace is that the natural law Laplace described actually accounts for that data.  The natural law Darwin proposed does not.

Bornagain, you are making a mistake if you think not having consistent explanations of dark energy / dark matter is a nail in the materialistic coffin. Was not having an explanation of the precession of Mercury's orbit a nail in the coffin of materialistic philosophy? No, the inconsistency was removed by general relativity. Was the ultraviolet catastrophe a nail in the coffin of materialistic philosophy? No, the inconsistency was removed by the development of the quantum concept. Every single inconsistency in our understanding of the physical world that we have resolved has been resolved by a materialistic explanation. None has been resolved by a supernatural explanation. Not a single one.Peepul
December 10, 2010
04:43 PM
Barry, There's a sense in which laws are observed regularities, but also a sense in which that is an oversimplification. Laws are also explanations - and the explanations are not necessarily themselves observed. For example, conservation laws are observed regularities, but they also have a deep explanation in terms of symmetries. If the symmetry holds, then the world must behave in a certain way. That goes way beyond mere description. In that sense, it is possible for scientists to go at least some way to understand the origin of laws. You're right in that we have no ultimate explanation of any laws, but we can take at least some steps towards understanding how they arise and reducing the number of things that need to be explained. That's really what science has achieved - very many things are now explained based on a small set of fundamental principles. You don't believe we can ever explain where these laws come from. I think it may be possible at least to reach a point where we discover a single fundamental principle or a very few that underpin all physical laws. If we get to that point, can we explain where the principle came from? I'm not sure. But I don't think it's necessarily impossible. There may be only one self consistent framework that must apply if anything exists. Who knows, to be honest. Either way, there's no reason why our lack of understanding points to God. Lack of understanding cannot point to anything. Only understanding can do that.Peepul
December 10, 2010
04:33 PM
Mr. Arrington, you have plenty of evidence to back you up in this observation; Explaining The Unseen Spiritual Realm - Dr. Quantum - Flatland - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4119478 These following videos and articles on Dark Energy and Matter really put the last nail in the coffin for the materialistic philosophy: REPORT OF THE DARK ENERGY TASK FORCE The abstract of the September 2006 Report of the Dark Energy Task Force says: “Dark energy appears to be the dominant component of the physical Universe, yet there is no persuasive theoretical explanation for its existence or magnitude. The acceleration of the Universe is, along with dark matter, the observed phenomenon that most directly demonstrates that our (materialistic) theories of fundamental particles and gravity are either incorrect or incomplete. Most experts believe that nothing short of a revolution in our understanding of fundamental physics will be required to achieve a full understanding of the cosmic acceleration. For these reasons, the nature of dark energy ranks among the very most compelling of all outstanding problems in physical science. These circumstances demand an ambitious observational program to determine the dark energy properties as well as possible.” http://jdem.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/Decadal_Survey-Dark_Energy_Task_Force_report.pdf The Mathematical Anomaly Of Dark Matter - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4133609 Dark matter halo Excerpt: The dark matter halo is the single largest part of the Milky Way Galaxy as it covers the space between 100,000 light-years to 300,000 light-years from the galactic center. It is also the most mysterious part of the Galaxy. It is now believed that about 95% of the Galaxy is composed of dark matter, a type of matter that does not seem to interact with the rest of the Galaxy's matter and energy in any way except through gravity. The dark matter halo is the location of nearly all of the Milky Way Galaxy's dark matter, which is more than ten times as much mass as all of the visible stars, gas, and dust in the rest of the Galaxy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_matter_halo Hubble Finds Ring of Dark Matter - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/4133618 The Elusive "non-Material" Foundation For Gravity: http://docs.google.com/View?id=dc8z67wz_38d7zmrn9vbornagain77
December 10, 2010
03:43 PM
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