Of a recent indie anti-abortion film, Robert Novak writes,
“Bella” was conceived by three young Mexican men — producer, director and lead actor — who are conservative Catholics and want to make movies removed from Hollywood’s movie culture of sex and violence. Bankrolled by a wealthy Catholic family from Philadelphia, they shot the film in 24 days in New York City.
The star is Eduardo Verastegui, a Mexican heartthrob as a lead performer in TV soap operas who now lives in Los Angeles. A devout Catholic, he told me he was tired of movies showing Latinos as disreputable and immoral . He has learned to speak English in three years well enough to play the lead role mostly in English (with subtitles over the Spanish).
It was a stretch to get “Bella” even shown at Toronto, much less win an award. “Going into the festival,” said the Hollywood Reporter, “absolutely no one, including the team of filmmakers that made ‘Bella,’ ever imagined it would capture the People’s Choice Award, voted on by festival audiences.”
Materialists, it seems, cannot count on the support of the public, not even in secular Toronto. Give the people a vote and everything’s lost. Hence the importance, to the materialist, of indoctrinating students at public expense in the school systems and suppressing dissent at the universities.
Re this film, the key question is, Novak asks, will the film actually be shown in US theatres. Note, he did NOT ask, would US audiences like it? The question he raises is, will they be allowed by the Hollywood-based distribution system to see it? (Of course, there is always DVD. Can’t remember the last time I watched a show in a theatre, but it may have been at the Smithsonian.) I would love to help write the screenplay for a film about the ID community.
I write this because I get pestered now and then by media Darwinoids who want to write some silly and valueless “expose” of the ID folk, to reassure their materialist clients that all is well – when nothing is well. And they want my help when I have no help to give them - unless they want to confront the issues. But what they all actually want to do is explain them away. And that will wash no more.
Darwinism is fronted, by law, in school systems because it is the creation story of materialism.  It started out as a respectable theory of how species might change from one into another over time. Might be right, might be wrong. But it simply CANNOT bear the weight that is now placed on it, to explain why everything is the way it is.
Any media source that cannot deal with what is really happening here just isn’t where the action is, no matter how many tattoos the journo sports or how many different kind of drugs he does.ÂÂ