Here at Listverse. Also rans include Mein Kampf (7) and the The Manifesto of the Communist Party (3)
The author’s thesis is:
On the list because: It fuels fundamentalist attacks on Science By arguing against aspects of Darwin’s theories, this book has given fuel to the fundamentalists who argue that a literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis is the only possible manner in which the earth was created. Despite much refutation from the Scientific community, many fundamentalists still use this as a “source” for proof that evolution is not true. The book itself was not peer reviewed as Behe claimed under oath, and the Science community has overwhelming rejected it. It should be noted that Behe himself is not a fundamentalist and does not believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible.
And this beats der Fuehrer? So World War II was for nothing? Wow.
Watch for an Uncommon Descent contest really soon.
Note: The list’s author claims his 10 through to 1 list order isn’t supposed to mean anything. Just an accident with numbers?