From the editors at New Scientist:
So yet again we find ourselves criticising Trump, even though we know that some readers are tired of it. Some are his supporters; others simply do not wish to see politics in a science magazine.
Hint: If you know your readers are tired of something, stop doing it.
The US prez has a genius for living rent-free in the heads of people who hate him and you are living proof. But why inflict the problem on your readers?
We make no apology for covering global political issues. Science does not exist in a bubble. It is influenced by, and influences, the wider world. It also underpins an enlightened world view that we strongly advocate. More.
“an enlightened world view that we strongly advocate” Oh dear. That kind of prose is a symptom of the onset of deadly dullness. Take heart! There is surely an Anonymous group for the addicts of politics.
Better still, there is a lot of science out there to cover, even now…
See also: Marchin’, marchin’ for Science (Hint: the problems are back at your desk, not out in the streets)