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Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger, a big Social Darwinist, gets canceled, more info


We never thought it would happen:

Planned Parenthood’s Manhattan Margaret Sanger Health Center will be renamed, and city officials are working to rename the nearby Margaret Sanger Square. The organization said the new name would be announced soon.

Sanger, who was a nurse, established the first birth control clinic in the U.S., which would eventually become the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

PPGNY said the decision came out of “a public commitment to reckon with its founder’s harmful connections to the eugenics movement.” …

The fact sheet noted that Planned Parenthood “denounces” Sanger’s involvement in the eugenics movement and her endorsement of the 1927 Buck v. Bell decision that allowed states to sterilize citizens who were deemed “unfit” without their consent. J. Edward Moreno, “Planned Parenthood to remove Margaret Sanger’s name from center over ‘racist legacy’” at The Hill

Like, she really did believe the awful things she said about poor people; it wasn’t as if she had hit her big toe while hammering something.

Plus, from back in 2011:

You say she was an equal opportunity vile eugenicist and vicious social Darwinist, but at least, not a racist? Get this from page 133:

“Sanger surrounded herself with some of the eugenics movement’s most outspoken racists and white supremacists. Chief among them was Lothrop Stoddard, author of The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy. Stoddard’s book, devoted to the notion of a superior Nordic race, became eugenic gospel. It warned, ‘”Finally perish!” That is the exact alternative that confronts the white race…If white civilization goes down, the white race is irretrievably ruined. It will be swamped by the triumphant colored races, who will eliminate the white man by elimination or absorption…We now know that men are not and never will be equal.” “

We are known by the friends we keep, no? If one welcomes a pernicious racist as a valued colleague into one’s movement, the defense that she was not “personally” racist rings as hollow as a Jack O’ Lantern pumpkin. Wesley J. Smith, “Margaret Sanger Was Too a Racist” at National Review

In 2016, Time Magazine tried to explain it all away as a big misunderstanding, but lots of people knew the facts.

At Evolution News and Science Today, David Klinghoffer comments:

If Planned Parenthood really sought to “reckon with [their] legacy,” and “address the problem,” they would have to change their whole business model not merely remove Sanger’s name from a building. As Ben Carson points out, “[Sanger] was not particularly enamored with black people. And one of the reasons that you find most of their [Planned Parenthood] clinics in black neighborhoods is so that you can find a way to control that population.”

The abortion provider would also need to “reckon” with the place of evolutionary ideology in Sanger’s thinking. In an article at The Stream, John West has traced “The Line Running from Charles Darwin through Margaret Sanger to Planned Parenthood“:

In Sanger’s view, humanitarianism threatened to swamp America with a tidal wave of the “feeble-minded.” As I explain in my book Darwin Day in America, feeblemindedness was an expansive category that included many people who today wouldn’t be considered mentally handicapped, including members of races (like blacks) considered by Darwinian biologists of the time to be “lower” on the evolutionary scale.

Sanger as a historical figure is impossible to understand without recalling the legacy of evolutionary thinking and scientific racism, detailed in the harrowing documentary Human Zoos. David Klinghoffer, “Memory Purge: Eugenicist Margaret Sanger Gets Canceled by Planned Parenthood” at Evolution News and Science Today:

The thing is, they could have addressed it all decades ago. One can only wonder why they didn’t. Perhaps they thought they could get away with ridiculing the growing numbers of people who knew.

JVL, a counter offensive of 1,000 years ago before the reformation and its onward legacy of democratic transformation is irrelevant to current issues. But it is a case of a tainting red herring trifecta: red herring --> strawman, soaked in ad hominems --> set alight to cloud, poison, polarise and confuse discussion. A familiar destructive tactic too often used by advocates of evolutionary materialistic scientism. KFkairosfocus
July 23, 2020
03:35 AM
BobRyan: The United States is the only Judaeo-Christian country in the history of the world. Leaving out Canada, Australia and New Zealand at least. Protestants and Catholics lean more towards debate than murder. Except while crusading in the Holy Land and across Europe of course.JVL
July 23, 2020
03:12 AM
Seversky How can anything be wrong, including the slaughter of the Jews, if there is no free will? How can you judge slavery that continues to exist? How can a single lynching be wrong? Without free will, not a single person has ever done anything that can be called right or wrong. You have no moral high road, since morality cannot exist. Everything is predetermined and not one person actually chooses to do anything. Choice requires free will, which cannot exist if Darwin was right as you believe.BobRyan
July 23, 2020
02:11 AM
Seversky: When the American colonies were originally established, how many had slaves? The answer would be not a single one. It was illegal and considered immoral by the Christians who settled the land after escaping religious persecution by the Church of England. There were indentured servants, but that is a far cry from slavery. Once slavery was legalized by a judge who twisted the law to suit his benefit and started to spread to the other colonies, it was not just Africans being sold into slavery. Convicts and orphans of European decent were sold as slaves. Despite the belief that the United States had slavery for 400 years, it could not happen to a country that didn't come about until the tale end of the 1700s. Unless you do some funky commoncore math, you don't get close to 400 years and ignores the length of time at the beginning when slavery was illegal. Slavery was and is evil, but only if there is an absolute moral compass, which you deny exists, since you deny free will. Sanger was worse than any slave owner. She believed in segregation or sterilization for all black people in the United States. She wanted to do what Darwin had written in Decent of Man and bring about the extinction of the savage races. Sanger was a racist and anti-Semite who had the same views of Jews as the other eugenicists of her day, which included Hitler. She was also a socialist who associated with communists. You cannot be both Christian and socialist/communist, since there can be no God for socialism to work. Some may claim to be Rabbis or ministers, but claiming and believing are two different things. Judaeo-Christian principles do not allow for slavery, any more than they allow for anti-Semitism When the root is removed and replaced with only Christian, that is when it moves away from the intent. Bastardized versions of Christianity, where you have Christians killing Christians, are far removed from the root, which remains Judaism. The United States is the only Judaeo-Christian country in the history of the world. Protestants and Catholics lean more towards debate than murder. Jews were more welcome in the early days of the United States, than anywhere in Europe.BobRyan
July 23, 2020
02:05 AM
Thanks for the explanation @5, AaronS1978. I was wondering about that. It's a pity that wild assertions and false accusations can so easily be mistaken for cogent thinking. I consider myself forewarned and I recognize the pointlessness of arguing with a parrot. ;-) -QQuerius
July 22, 2020
08:19 PM
Margaret Sanger, as all historical personages, needs to be taken into the context of her time rather than be judged solely on our current social values, which have been changing rapidly. At heart, she was a radical socialist who was deeply disturbed by poverty and the plight of women who had one pregnancy after another. Her views were formed first by her father, a radical socialist and anti-Catholic, and then influenced (and misled) by Darwinism (likely influenced by a student of Thomas Huxley, namely H.G. Wells, with whom she had an extra-marital affair), Malthusian theory, and heredity studies of low IQ and criminality (perhaps Lombroso). These led her into supporting Eugenics although she was always primarily focused on the causes of poverty and the sexual liberation of women. For example, she wrote in “The Eugenic Value of Birth Control Propaganda” (1921):
“Today eugenics is suggested by the most diverse minds as the most adequate and thorough avenue in the solution of racial, political and social problems.”
Sanger met her spiritual needs with the occult, spiritism, and Rosicrucianism (the God within). She considered the greatest sin was to bring unwanted children into the world. Sanger opposed abortion but promoted birth control and sterilization. Note that from about 1907 until 1979, more than 60,000 Americans were coercively sterilized. California lead the way with over 20,000 sterilizations of those with mental and physical disabilities and people of Latin-American descent. It’s almost needless to say that Nazi scientific research into Eugenics was heavily inspired by what was going on in California at the time. This also painfully reminds me of one of my college professors, who seriously advocated legalizing postpartum abortion of children until the age of two years. While some people (Seversky immediately comes to mind) glorify the triumphal march of scientific progress, we also need to accept the litany of gross scientific blunders of the past as a reminder of the certainty of our blindness to contemporary scientific fallacy. -QQuerius
July 22, 2020
08:13 PM
@Q He actually blatantly ignores those posts by the way I have challenged him multiple times on religion and even asked him to please stop but he does not I don’t even understand why he keeps bringing it up He doesn’t even explain why he hates religion so much and yes a lot of his information is just ridiculously biased absolutely untrue and when faced with contradictory information he never responds to it I’m sure he’s happy that China is currently ridding itself of all ChristianityAaronS1978
July 22, 2020
08:11 PM
Seversky's ignorance about the history of slavery is appalling. Had he bothered at least to read my posts on slavery, he would realize that Christianity fundamentally opposes slavery, that the large majority of the slave trade was divided between Latin America and Islamic slavery--about 11 million each--the latter preferring enslaving Christians because they were more docile. Apparently, historical facts are not important when an attack against Christianity can be fabricated. -QQuerius
July 22, 2020
08:08 PM
No just responsible for the millions of dead children for confusing murder with woman’s rights Nice try Sev U liberalAaronS1978
July 22, 2020
07:26 PM
Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood were not responsible for the importation of 450.000 slaves to the US during the period of the slave trade. That was accomplished by the Christian peoples of Europe and North America of the period. Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood were not responsible for the lynchings of 3,446 African Americans between 1882 and 1968 in the United States, again by people who otherwise no doubt considered themselves good Christians. Systemic racism has infected the US and many other countries long before Sanger and Planned Parenthood and the atrocities committed by the colonial powers against the indigenous peoples of their colonies were done, again, by people who considered themselves good Christians. Verse: Matthew 7:5 "Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."Seversky
July 22, 2020
07:09 PM
As to,
In Sanger’s view, humanitarianism threatened to swamp America with a tidal wave of the “feeble-minded.” As I explain in my book Darwin Day in America, feeblemindedness was an expansive category that included many people who today wouldn’t be considered mentally handicapped, including members of races (like blacks) considered by Darwinian biologists of the time to be “lower” on the evolutionary scale.
Indeed Sanger was a moral monster
The Controversial Beliefs That Led to Planned Parenthood Disavowing Margaret Sanger - 7/22/20 Excerpt: In 1919, Sanger wrote an essay about birth control being an important step for eugenicists to achieve their goals towards "racial betterment." "Before eugenists and others who are laboring for racial betterment can succeed, they must first clear the way for Birth Control. Like the advocates of Birth Control, the eugenists, for instance, are seeking to assist the race toward the elimination of the unfit. Both are seeking a single end but they lay emphasis upon different methods," Sanger wrote in the essay's opening paragraph. In a 1921 speech "The Morality of Birth Control," Sanger again defended eugenics as a means to prevent "race deterioration." "We desire to stop at its source the disease, poverty and feeble-mindedness and insanity which exist today, for these lower the standards of civilization and make for race deterioration," she said near the end of her speech. https://www.newsweek.com/margaret-sanger-controversial-eugenics-beliefs-planned-parenthood-1519695
Sanger would be proud of Planned Parenthood's targeting of African Americans today:
Investigation: Planned Parenthood speeds targeting of minorities - February 14, 2017 Excerpt: Protecting Black Life, an outreach of Life Issues Institute, documented in its 2012 research that Planned Parenthood targets women of color for abortion by placing 79 percent of its surgical abortion facilities within walking distance of minority neighborhoods. Worse yet, our recent research shows that the abortion giant has accelerated this targeting of minorities near its 25 new abortion mega-centers. Protecting Black Life evaluated the populations within walking distance (2 mile radius) of each of these 25 abortion mega-centers and found that an alarming 88 percent (22 of 25) target women of color. Disturbingly, 80 percent target Black communities, 56 percent target Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods and 80 percent target one or more colleges. In total, 96 percent (24 of 25) of the mega-centers target women of color, college women, or both. https://www.lifeissues.org/2017/02/investigation-planned-parenthood-speeds-targeting-minorities/ Abortion and Race For decades, abortion has disproportionately eliminated minority babies. Excerpt: In America today, the average black woman is almost five times more likely to have an abortion than the average white woman.1 Part of this disparity owes to the fact that, statistically, black women get pregnant more frequently than white women,2 but even if we control for pregnancy, black babies are still more than three-and-a-half times more likely to be aborted than their white counterparts.3 No matter what your opinion of abortion, the fact that it disproportionality eliminates members of the minority community is a significant sociological problem. Here’s what it looks like by the numbers. According to the latest census estimates, just over 13% of the U.S. population is black,4 and yet somewhere between 28-38% of all U.S. abortions are performed on black babies. The Guttmacher Institute puts that number at 28%, based on voluntary 2014 survey data from 8,380 respondents.5 The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) places the number at 38%, based on actual counts of every 2016 abortion performed in the 30 states/districts that collect and report abortion data by race.6 By comparison, non-Hispanic white women make up 60% of the population but account for only 35-39% of all abortions.7 https://abort73.com/abortion/abortion_and_race/ Planned Parenthood is the leading cause of death within Black communities. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, there have been over 15.5 million abortions performed on African Americans. These 15.5 million Black lives lost to abortion outnumber the deaths of Black people due to AIDS, violent crimes, accidents, cancer, and heart disease combined. According to BlackGenocide.org, if abortion had not been legalized, the African American population would have experienced an increase of 36 percent. Abortion, primarily committed by Planned Parenthood, is a major limiter on Black population growth. https://illinoisrighttolife.org/three-reasons-why-planned-parenthood-does-not-support-the-black-lives-matter-movement/
And Planned Parenthood, in what should be the very definition of the word 'hypocricy', had the nerve to write this about 'Black Lives Matter',
"Black lives matter. Their deaths must be answered with swift justice and reformative action. They, like so many before them, died because of racist violence or police brutality, which are often one and the same. They died because of the systemic racism that festers within our nation,," https://www.plannedparenthoodaction.org/planned-parenthood-advocacy-fund-massachusetts-inc/black-lives-matter
If that level of hypocrisy does not turn your stomach then nothing ever will. "systemic racism that festers within our nation" has indeed been found and the name of that war on Blacks in America is called Planned Parenthood!bornagain77
July 22, 2020
05:00 PM
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