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Quantum entanglement nears visibility

illustration of experimental set up
quantum linkages between two specially designed jiggling structures/Petja Hyttinen/Aalto University, Olli Hanhirova/Arkh Architects

From Emily Conover at Science News:

Quantum entanglement has left the realm of the utterly minuscule, and crossed over to the just plain small. Two teams of researchers report that they have generated ethereal quantum linkages, or entanglement, between pairs of jiggling objects visible with a magnifying glass or even the naked eye — if you have keen vision.

Physicist Mika Sillanpää and colleagues entangled the motion of two vibrating aluminum sheets, each 15 micrometers in diameter — a few times the thickness of spider silk. And physicist Sungkun Hong and colleagues performed a similar feat with 15-micrometer-long beams made of silicon, which expand and contract in width in a section of the beam. Both teams report their results in the April 26 Nature.

Now, scientists are extending the dividing line to larger and larger objects. “One of our motivations is to keep on testing how far we can push quantum mechanics,” says Sillanpää, of Aalto University in Finland. “There might be some fundamental limit for how big objects can be” and still be quantum. More.

It’s getting harder to just set quantum mechanics aside as an anomaly of very small things. Might it shed some light on the relationship between matter and energy on one hand and information on the other?

See also: Christian Scientific Society’s on the strangeness of quantum mechanics was its best meeting ever? Erica Carlson gave a great introduction to the strangeness of QM. She argued strongly against the idea that our minds control reality, as some “new age” writers have argued. Rather, our minds at most control the set of questions that measurement may give answers to.


At Scientific American: “Inexplicable lab results may be telling us we’re on the cusp of a new scientific paradigm” This doesn’t sound like the same universe as that of perceptronium, the supposed material essence of consciousness. One of Kastrup’s books is Why Materialism Is Baloney. Of course materialism is baloney but we don’t usually see this kind of thing in Scientific American.


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