This past Christmas, there was nothing new under the sun. The folks below, who make evolution their singular mantra, have not evolved the discussion of evolution to include and invite Intelligent Design advocates to the table to discuss science, evolution, or Christianity. I would’ve thought that, since the argument is always made by ID opponents (who are normally apologists for evolution) that ID is creation in a cheap lab coat, in other words, a thin cover for Christianity, ID advocates would’ve at least been invited to discuss Christianity. This co-option of evolution into Christianity reminds me of the co-option of Eugenics into Christianity in the early part of last century, a bad idea that will pass.
This Christmas, Christianity evolves
• Rev. Michael Dowd convenes diverse Christian leaders who see science as sacred
• to host free podcasts and seminars
DECEMBER 22, 2010 – This Christmas season, bestselling author and evolutionary evangelist Rev. Michael Dowd is having an online revival of sorts, and pitching what may be the biggest tent yet for fellow Christians who embrace evolution and honor science:
As a sequel to his breakthrough book Thank God for Evolution (Viking/Plume), Rev. Dowd is hosting and producing a living library of free podcasts and live panels with preeminent Christians on the leading edge of science and religion, where mythic beliefs and measurable reality collide.
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“The New Atheists and scriptural literalists are not the only games in town,” says Dowd. “In contrast to Richard Dawkins’ God-less universe, tens of millions of us in the middle celebrate both Jesus and Darwin. For us, religious faith is strengthened by what God is revealing through science.”
Take a look at the panel and the schedule, no ID advocates were present. This is not a real discussion, it’s an echo-chamber. The New Atheists and scriptural literalists and Christian Darwinists are not the only games in town either, Mr. Dowd. How is religious faith strengthened by a process that admits to no teleology, no plan, no ultimate purpose in everything living? I agree that religious faith can be strengthened through science, it’s called Intelligent Design, but only after you make the inference from design to whom you believe the designer to be for whatever reasons you may have. At least this path is a straight shot because there is coherence between the ideas of design and a Designer. There is no coherence between the ideas of a Designer and no design being used as evidence for a Designer. How God would be hidden in a process of mindless and purposelessness evolution could be used to claim that God is more evident through that same process, escapes me. Do these folks believe that the idea of a supreme mind behind things in nature, somehow doesn’t strengthen religious conviction? And this mind being hidden and not evident does strengthen the conviction that there is a mind? I give it up.