UD regular Gregory asked me to pass this on.
A collection of quotations on ‘intelligent design’ by American-British philosopher and sociologist of science and invited Dover Trial witness Steve Fuller from the past 7 years has not long ago been published here: http://social-epistemology.com/2012/05/06/gregory-sandstrom-in-steve-fullers-words-intelligent-design/ If Uncommon Descent blog would wish to discuss these things I (Gregory) will be available on a limited basis to respond and will contact Dr. Fuller with any specifically poignant, relevant or challenging questions to him. Fuller is one of the founders of ID theory and has written and spoken in recent years on science, philosophy and religion dialogue, in addition to his new work on trans-humanism (Humanity 2.0), which is sympathetic to ID in a way that will invite much thought and discussion for years to come.
Also of interest: Steve Fuller, Ed Feser, and Colin McGinn recent had a kind of three-way shootout in this journal, which is bound to be of interest to certain ID regulars.
I’ve got to say, while I’m far more sympathetic to classical theism and Thomism (and thus Fuller and I wouldn’t see eye to eye), the mere mention of Fuller relating transhumanism and ID is interesting to me, since really, I think that interaction is sorely neglected despite being of-interest. Anyway, read and comment away, folks.
[See also: A brief introduction to Steve Fuller, agnostic sociologist of the ID community ]