Further to “Alvin Plantinga zaps the flying teapot, some people (who are never satisfied with anything, it seems 😉 ) want to know what comes after the Nye-Ham debate.
Actually, those people are right. As Casey Luskin and David Klinghoffer said over at Evolution News & Views, most of the action isn’t actually in Ham’s corner. It is on the broader front of growing evidence for design in nature vs. Darwin’s followers, who currently dominate biology.
So there is plenty of room for more debates. And not just about biology either.
A source tells us the next biggie might be multiverse cosmologist Sean Carroll vs. Christian apologist William Lane Craig (who dismisses multiverses), sponsored by Greer Heard Point Counterpoint Forum. February 21-22, live streaming. On
The existence of God in contemporary cosmology
Background notes: Sean Carroll would retire falsifiability as a science idea. Carroll has contributed to Uncommon Descent, for example, here, in “‘No God Needed’ CalTech physicist responds to Uncommon Descent’s questions”
Richard Dawkins famously refused to debate Craig for reasons that attracted suspicion.
See also: The Science Fictions series at your fingertips (a backgrounder on multiverse cosmology vs. design,to help you understand why multiverse cosmology has become a growing issue).
And “Multiverse advocate defends in Scientific American against charges that his claims are ’unscientific nonsense’”
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