Here, Access Research Network has published the Top Ten Darwin and Design Resources for 2009.
Most interesting. As executive director Dennis Wagner comments,
“I would never have predicted that an atheist would name a book about intelligent design as one of the top books of 2009, while another atheist would write a book defending intelligent design? This is a sign that open minds in the academic and scientific communities are beginning to take the evidence for intelligent design seriously,”
(Note: The Top Ten Darwin and Design Science News Stories for 2009 are here, and the Top Ten Darwin and Design Media News Stories for 2009 are here, and my comments on the latter are here. Also, to get the links, you must go here.)
So here they are, with my comments, starting with #10:
10. The College Student’s Back to School Guide to Intelligent Design by Discovery Institute. There are a lot of false urban legends promoted in academia about intelligent design (ID). They often start with myths promoted by misinformed critiques in scientific journals, court rulings, or even talks by activists at scientific conferences. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for this misinformation to then be passed down to college students, who may know very little about ID and lack the resources to correct their professors’ misinformed and misplaced attacks on ID. Not anymore. If you’re a college student, recently gone back to school and expecting to hear a lot of anti-ID views from your professors, this free “Back to School Guide” was written for you. The guide contains suggestions for helpful pro-ID books, articles, and websites for students to read when investigating the issue. Additionally, it contains “Answers to Your Professor’s Most Common Misinformed Objections to Intelligent Design.” Even if you are not a student, you may find this a great resource for understanding ID and answering common objections to the theory.
[From Denyse: Hmmm. Not sure. The big thing today is just to graduate, without threatening to break the prof’s iron rice bowl by bringing up reasons why the stuff he is fronting might not be true. Unchallenged nonsense is everywhere in the academic world these days, and organizations have sprung up in recent years to protect the right of students and teachers to dissent. Here’s the American version. Student, wait till you have a job before taking aim at the rice bowl. ]
Other Top Tens follow in later posts, in order.