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The slow descent of “Science!” As in “Trust the Science!”


Here’s a generous helping of a Wall Street Journal interview with science writer Matt Ridley that probes some of the changes brought about by the massive COVID-19 failure:

“Conformity,” Mr. Ridley says, “is the enemy of scientific progress, which depends on disagreement and challenge. Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts, as [the physicist Richard] Feynman put it.” Mr. Ridley reserves his bluntest criticism for “science as a profession,” which he says has become “rather off-puttingly arrogant and political, permeated by motivated reasoning and confirmation bias.” Increasing numbers of scientists “seem to fall prey to groupthink, and the process of peer-reviewing and publishing allows dogmatic gate-keeping to get in the way of new ideas and open-minded challenge.”

The World Health Organization is a particular offender: “We had a dozen Western scientists go to China in February and team up with a dozen Chinese scientists under the auspices of the WHO.” At a subsequent press conference they pronounced the lab-leak theory “extremely unlikely.” The organization also ignored Taiwanese cries for help with Covid-19 in January 2020. “The Taiwanese said, ‘We’re picking up signs that this is a human-to-human transmission that threatens a major epidemic. Please, will you investigate?’ And the WHO basically said, ‘You’re from Taiwan. We’re not allowed to talk to you.’ ”

He notes that WHO’s primary task is forestalling pandemics. Yet in 2015 it “put out a statement saying that the greatest threat to human health in the 21st century is climate change. Now that, to me, suggests an organization not focused on the day job.”

Tunku Varadarajan, “How Science Lost the Public’s Trust” at WSJ via Instapundit (July 23, 2021)

It has not gone unnoticed.

The “lab leak theory” is a well-evidenced event, but not popular with certain governments.

Real science will emerge from the ruins.

See also: Lab leak theory vindicated: What that means for fighting COVID-19. What was the U.S. government’s role in downplaying the lab leak theory?

Also interesting to note that Jeremiah and Ezekiel both prophesy about the coming new covenant which is fulfilled in Christ..pretty cool. Sounds divine.zweston
July 25, 2021
04:05 PM
Sev @ 16... You, along with me and every other human being on the planet need forgiveness. We all have guilt. We all have a conscience. We all know we need to do better... and that's what God himself did. You presuppose that the God we worship is at our level of thinking. We are equivalent to the ant questioning the action of the human being...except infinitely worse. (think I saw that thought on the ant here before, so sorry about not attributing). Jesus paid for our shame and guilt and canceled our debt that we would be free to live in the way we were designed to live.zweston
July 25, 2021
04:04 PM
Bob O'H:
And climate change is clearly impacting human health, so it’s within their remit.
Evidence please. Nonsensical liberal talking points don't count as evidence.ET
July 25, 2021
03:52 PM
Seversky Seriously? You’re quoting Dr Peter McCullough?
:))Well , to believe anything an atheist have to say requires an amount of faith bigger than to believe in God .We both know that you are just a scared unhappy old child begging for attention and appreciation . I've read few of your comments and I didn't find any sign that you think for yourself(you look like a bot) but you can prove me wrong citing a comment in which you have an idea that is not previously found on atheists websites.Lieutenant Commander Data
July 25, 2021
03:03 PM
Our God doesn’t “pay” us…instead he paid our ransom so we can walk free.
Walk free from what? And He paid Himself the "ransom" according to the story. Sounds like a bit of a scam.Seversky
July 25, 2021
02:46 PM
David Barton also has a video, graphs, and article, on the subject of prayer in schools.
The Devastating Effects When Prayer Was Removed From School in America in 1962-63 – David Barton https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1No–GpdqCY Results of Supreme Court (1962) Prayer Ban Statistical graphs posted below, shockingly reveal the damaging impact on America’s morality as a direct result of the Supreme Court prayer ban in 1962. http://www.watchmanbiblestudy.com/News/2010/07/18%20America%20To%20Pray%20Or%20Not%20To%20Pray.htm What Happened When the Praying Stopped? April 6, 2008 Excerpt: How did the removal of voluntary prayer from the schools of the United States (in 1963) affect our nation as a whole?,,, Figure 1 shows how drastically the actual knowledge of high school students began to drop at an accelerating rate after 1962. Barton notes in his report that the upturn in SAT scores since 1981 is due to the increase in private Christian educational facilities which began to flourish at that time. Statistics have proven that students from private Christian schools showed higher academic achievement and higher test scores. Figure 2: This graph shows the increase in sexual activity in unmarried teen-age girls after the 1962 Supreme Court decision. It is evident from the figures provided that in the years previous to the removal of prayer the rates remained stable and relatively unchanged. In the post- prayer years the numbers immediately began to soar. The sudden increase on the graph appears as if a great restraining force had suddenly been removed. Figure 3: Unwed women 15-19 years of age showed a phenomenal increase in the rate of pregnancies after the School Prayer decision. Note that the figure jumps drastically after the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Wade decision which made abortion legal in the U.S. The United States now has the highest incidence of teen-age motherhood in any Western country. Figure 4: For the 15-19 and 20-24 age group, the rates of youth suicide remained relatively unchanged during the years from 1946 to the School Prayer decision in 1962. But in the years since, suicides among the same group have increased 253 percent, or an average of 10.5 percent per year. Figure 5: Stability in the family has also been affected since the 1962 decision. Divorce, single parent families, couples living together but not married, and adultery are areas of family breakdown which have experienced radical growth in recent years. In the graph above, the increase in single parent families (households with only a mother and children) are detailed. Note the dotted line at the bottom, which shows the rate of growth prior to the 1962 decision. Figure 6: Crime, productivity, and national morality had been on a fairly stable level prior to the 1962 decision, but that is no longer the case. It is obvious that such a quantity of students praying for their nation had a very positive effect on the course that this nation had taken. The rate of violent crime, as shown above, has risen over 330 percent. http://www.forerunner.com/forerunner/X0124_When_America_stopped.html
And as David Barton pointed out. the SAT scores for private Christian schools have not changed since 1962, but have remained remarkably stable. And if you are thinking about pulling your child from the 'failing' public school system in America to enroll them in a 'passing' private Christian school, might I suggest a private Christian school that teaches “Classical, Christian Education”
Classical, Christian Education: Higher SAT Scores Than All Other School Types “Without Even Trying” – Tom Owens on Jan 17, 2020 One of the distinguishing features of classical education is we refuse to “teach to the test.” Instead, we immerse students in the great conversation of Western, Christian Civilization, exposing them early and often to the best minds humanity has ever produced. We seek the intellectual, moral, and spiritual development of our students above all, but when it comes to the standardized tests obsessed over in conventional schools, we are content to “let the chips fall where they may.” Yet, in following the wisdom of the ancients in our approach, the results speak for themselves. Member schools of the Association of Christian & Classical Schools (ACCS) produce students whose SAT scores are, on average, 325 points higher than public schools, 191 points higher than conventional religious schools, and 138 points higher than secular private high schools. How does this happen when most classical schools don’t formally prep for the SAT as part of the curriculum? Why does it seem like ACCS students easily handle the SAT “without even trying?” https://www.dominionschool.com/dominion-blog/classical-christian-education-higher-sat-scores-than-all-other-school-types-without-even-trying
Of further note, Atheists claim that the supposed doctrine of ‘separation of church and state’ is the reason that prayer was removed from public schools. But leaving aside the fact that the doctrine of ‘separation of church and state’ is a work of fiction by the racist Supreme Court justice Hugo Black (i.e. former KKK),,,
Hugo Black and the real history of “the wall of separation between church and state” – 2011 Excerpt: So how does this invocation of “wall of separation between church and state” become Supreme Court doctrine, extending from a casual phrase by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to an obscure comment in an 1878 Supreme Court ruling on bigamy to a pervasive doctrine of anti-religious censorship in the public square in the 21st century? http://egnorance.blogspot.com/2011/10/hugo-black-and-real-history-of-wall-of.html
,,, leaving aside the fact that the term separation of church and state' is not even in the constitution, it is interesting to note that Darwinian evolution is itself dependent on (faulty) theological presuppositions, (and not on any compelling scientific evidence), and thus the teaching of only Darwinian evolution in public schools amounts to the United States government endorsing a specific religion, (i.e. Atheism), over other religions, which is, ironically, a direct violation of the establishment clause of the Constitution.
The role of theology in current evolutionary reasoning – Paul A. Nelson – Biology and Philosophy, 1996, Volume 11, Number 4, Pages 493-517 Excerpt: Evolutionists have long contended that the organic world falls short of what one might expect from an omnipotent and benevolent creator. Yet many of the same scientists who argue theologically for evolution are committed to the philosophical doctrine of methodological naturalism, which maintains that theology has no place in science. Furthermore, the arguments themselves are problematical, employing concepts that cannot perform the work required of them, or resting on unsupported conjectures about suboptimality. Evolutionary theorists should reconsider both the arguments and the influence of Darwinian theological metaphysics on their understanding of evolution. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF00138329 Damned if You Do and Damned if You Don’t – Steve Dilley- 2019-06-02 The Problem of God-talk in Biology Textbooks Abstract: We argue that a number of biology (and evolution) textbooks face a crippling dilemma. On the one hand, significant difficulties arise if textbooks include theological claims in their case for evolution. (Such claims include, for example, ‘God would never design a suboptimal panda’s thumb, but an imperfect structure is just what we’d expect on natural selection.’) On the other hand, significant difficulties arise if textbooks exclude theological claims in their case for evolution. So, whether textbooks include or exclude theological claims, they face debilitating problems. We attempt to establish this thesis by examining 32 biology (and evolution) textbooks, including the Big 12—that is, the top four in each of the key undergraduate categories (biology majors, non-majors, and evolution courses). In Section 2 of our article, we analyze three specific types of theology these texts use to justify evolutionary theory. We argue that all face significant difficulties. In Section 3, we step back from concrete cases and, instead, explore broader problems created by having theology in general in biology textbooks. We argue that the presence of theology—of whatever kind—comes at a significant cost, one that some textbook authors are likely unwilling to pay. In Section 4, we consider the alternative: Why not simply get rid of theology? Why not just ignore it? In reply, we marshal a range of arguments why avoiding God-talk raises troubles of its own. Finally, in Section 5, we bring together the collective arguments in Sections 2-4 to argue that biology textbooks face an intractable dilemma. We underscore this difficulty by examining a common approach that some textbooks use to solve this predicament. We argue that this approach turns out to be incoherent and self-serving. The poor performance of textbooks on this point highlights just how deep the difficulty is. In the end, the overall dilemma remains. https://journals.blythinstitute.org/ojs/index.php/cbi/article/view/44
In short, since Darwinian evolution is, in reality, based not on any compelling scientific evidence but is instead based primarily on bad theology, and it is, (ironically), therefore a direct violation of the establishment clause of the Constitution to only teach only Darwinian evolution in schools.
Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Of humorous note on the effects of prayer:
What happened when a semi-famous atheist dared God to show Himself? Sci-fi author John C. Wright shares his testimony of converting from Atheism to Christianity. – video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfO0raZlMCQ
As the old joke goes, 'be careful what you pray for, you just might get it.' :)bornagain77
July 25, 2021
02:46 PM
Of related note to Seversky asking "what’s the point of praying?" And to the general question of "Is prayer effective"? If Seversky atheistic worldview is true, then prayer would indeed be an entirely futile endeavor. Much like talking to a brick wall. Yet if the Christian worldview is true, then prayer would be expected to be a fruitful endeavor. Indeed, we are talking to the Creator of, well, the Creator of everything. Needless to say, that is not a minor connection to have on your prayer app. But have there been studies on the efficacy of prayer that can differentiate whether or not it is futile or fruitful to pray? Glad you asked. Yes there have been.
Study Of The Therapeutic Effects Of Proximal Intercessory Prayer (PIP) On Auditory and Visual Impairments In Rural Mozambique - 2010 CONCLUSIONS: Rural Mozambican subjects exhibited improved audition and/or visual acuity subsequent to PIP. The magnitude of measured effects exceeds that reported in previous suggestion and hypnosis studies. Future study seems warranted to assess whether PIP may be a useful adjunct to standard medical care for certain patients with auditory and/or visual impairments, especially in contexts where access to conventional treatment is limited. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20686441 Testing Prayer: Science and Miraculous Healing - Candy Gunther Brown at Boston College - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRfLooh3ZOk A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship Between Prayer and Student Outcomes William Jeynes - January 6, 2020 Abstract: A meta-analysis, including 13 studies, was undertaken on the relationship between the exercise of student prayer and academic and behavioral outcomes in urban schools. Analyses both with and without sophisticated controls (e.g., socioeconomic status, race, and gender) were used. Additional analyses were done to determine whether the effects of prayer differed by the quality of the study. The results indicated that the exercise of prayer is associated with better levels of student outcomes. Moreover, the effects of prayer were greater for high-quality studies. The significance of these results is discussed. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0013124519896841
Of related note to praying in schools: Since we are talking about millions and millions of young people praying in schools, I consider the removal of prayer from public schools in 1963, with private schools retaining prayer, (i.e. control group), to be an excellent, unmatched, case study on the efficacy of prayer. That education has declined fairly drastically in America’s public schools, despite a massive increase in spending on public schools, should not be a surprise for anyone. Just google “America’s Failing Public Schools” and several pages of articles will turn up lamenting the failure of America’s public schools. https://lmgtfy.app/#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=America's%20Failing%20Public%20Schools Various reasons have been given for why America’s public schools are failing, yet, despite a massive uptick in spending, and despite the fact that various solutions have been tried, no solution to the problem of failing public schools has been found. I think the correct solution is sitting right under our noses. It might interest some people to know exactly when education in the public schools of America started to decline. As the following graph highlights, after staying stable for years, In 1963 the verbal and math SAT scores ‘mysteriously’ started to decline for 17 straight years after 1963 until 1980.
Historical average SAT scores of college bound seniors. – 1950 to the 2020 https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e8/Historical_Average_SAT_Scores_%28Vector%29.svg
And this, of course, prompts us to ask, exactly what happened in public schools in 1963 that could possibly explain this decline in SAT scores for 17 straight years? Well, 1962-1963 happens to be the year(s) that prayer was removed from public schools by the Supreme Court.
Education Expert: Removing Bible, Prayer from Public Schools Has Caused Decline By Penny Starr | August 15, 2014 Excerpt: Education expert William Jeynes said on Wednesday that there is a correlation between the decline of U.S. public schools and the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1962 and 1963 decision that school-sponsored Bible reading was unconstitutional. “One can argue, and some have, that the decision by the Supreme Court – in a series of three decisions back in 1962 and 1963 – to remove Bible and prayer from our public schools, may be the most spiritually significant event in our nation’s history over the course of the last 55 years,” Jeynes said. On June 25, 1962, the United States Supreme Court decided in Engel v. Vitale that a prayer approved by the New York Board of Regents for use in schools violated the First Amendment because it represented establishment of religion. In 1963, in Abington School District v. Schempp, the court decided against Bible readings in public schools along the same lines. Since 1963, Jeynes said there have been five negative developments in the nation’s public schools: • Academic achievement has plummeted, including SAT scores. • Increased rate of out-of-wedlock births • Increase in illegal drug use • Increase in juvenile crime • Deterioration of school behavior “So we need to realize that these actions do have consequences,” said Jeynes, professor at California State College in Long Beach and senior fellow at the Witherspoon Institute in Princeton, N.J., “When we remove that moral fiber — that moral emphasis – this is what can result.” https://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/penny-starr/education-expert-removing-bible-prayer-public-schools-has-caused-decline
July 25, 2021
02:44 PM
Not surprising after the lies of the Miller Urey Experiment.
The Miller-Urey experiments were not lies.
And the total failure of Origin of Life Science.
It's a work-in-progress. It's way too early to write it off as a failure.
Plus the ies of Climate Science
Have you noticed the wildfires out west, the widespread drought, reservoirs falling to dangerously low levels, hydro-electric power stations in danger of being shut down because there soon won't be enough water to drive the turbines? When will AGW become plausible, when Florida sinks beneath the waves?
Here’s what: Creationism is in the catbird seat
Great, so all we have to do is pray hard enough and maybe do the odd rain dance and that will put everything right?
Over the last year and a half, our Science establishment killed 4 million people. But they still managed to give us a laugh. These self proclaimed experts got caught trying to cover it up. Tell me, isn’t that kind of a howl!
Human ignorance and stupidity are the real culprits. All those churches ignoring the COVID-19 restrictions and vaccines because the Lord will protect them - until the congregations become infected and the pastors die of it. That's a howl alright.
Say a prayer for them.
For all the good that'll do.Seversky
July 25, 2021
02:43 PM
Our God doesn't "pay" us...instead he paid our ransom so we can walk free.zweston
July 25, 2021
02:33 PM
Lieutenant Commander Data/7
? Why don’t we apply your logic to our chiefs ,managers. Write a letter to your manager with the title What’s the point of working?: “Dear manager you already know very well that I’m qualified and I’m a very good worker so why don’t you pay me without coming to work?
But your God doesn't "pay" us, even though we have already put in the work. See the story I linked to above. So why should we put in the work if we're not going to get paid? So, again, what's the point in praying? You're not really Lieutenant-Commander Data, are you?Seversky
July 25, 2021
02:27 PM
Lieutenant Commander Data/3
Seriously? You're quoting Dr Peter McCullough? This Dr Peter McCullough?
Dr. Peter McCullough: An MD/MPH who promotes quackery and doesn’t know how VAERS works I was curious about the claim in the article that Dr. McCullough is the “doctor with the most citations in the National Library of Medicine on these topics”. Which topics, I wondered upon first reading that, a question that was answered by the last paragraph regarding his allegedly having developed a “globally acclaimed and highly successful COVID treatment protocol”. A quick PubMed search revealed that he does indeed have 38 publications related to COVID-19 in the peer-reviewed literature. That jogged my memory a bit. It turns out that Dr. McCullough is a consultant cardiologist and Vice Chief of Medicine at Baylor University Medical Center and Principal Faculty in internal medicine for the Texas A & M University Health Sciences Center. (More on him in a moment.) […] Let’s start with Dr. McCullough’s video. There are a number of red flags. First, it’s noted on the Rumble page for his video that the website he “mentions is AAPSOnline.org.” Regular readers will remember AAPS as, basically, the John Birch Society of “medical societies,” basically an astroturf right wing science denialist organization disguised as a legitimate academic medical society that has a long history of promoting antivaccine misinformation (including providing a platform for Andrew Wakefield) and, now, COVID-19 disinformation, that basically loves Dr. McCullough’s protocol, which, of course, involves hydroxychloroquine, the Black Knight of COVID-19 treatments that evidence just can’t seem to kill. Unsurprisingly, he is presented as a Brave Maverick Doctor speaking Truth to power. Similarly unsurprisingly, he cannot cite any randomized double blind clinical trials (RCTs) to support his protocol, instead relying on the excuse that all Brave Maveric Doctors (like Stanislaw Burzynski) use that they “can’t” do the RCTs. In his case, it was because the pandemic hit so fast. Oddly enough, there have now been quite a few RCTs of various COVID-19 treatments proposed early in the pandemic, and equally unsurprisingly, the vast majority of them have been negative. Similarly, he excuses those studies showing that single drugs don’t work, saying that you have to use “multiple drugs” as in HIV. Of course, what he neglects to mention is that in general multidrug cocktails contain drugs each of which does have some single agent activity. You can’t just throw together drugs that don’t work and expect that they will work, and, as Dr. Vincent Iannelli explains, they don’t work. Of course, what Dr. McCullough claims to have done is to “leverage” small clinical trials and observational studies; too bad he didn’t do the RCTs of his cocktail, which, given the rapidly fatal course of severe COVID-19, would, contrary to his claim, not take “years” to get results from. Finally like all Brave Mavericks, Dr. McCullough claims that the reason his protocol isn’t widely accepted and publicized isn’t because it doesn’t work, but rather because the press and government regulatory agencies are either ignoring or “suppressing” news of it, even as he cited a “home treatment guide” published by—you guessed it!—AAPS. Basically, his protocol includes one FDA-accepted drug, Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody cocktail that was issued an EUA, followed by vitamins (of course!), steroids (another drug that works) and—also of course!—hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, zinc, and azithromycin, none of which have been shown to work. Come to think of it, he’s very much like Stanislaw Burzynski, mixing the unproven with the weakly proven and claiming without evidence to have “saved thousands of lives” and claims he could have saved 50-85% of the lives lost to COVID-19. Again, there’s no solid evidence to support any of these claims. I will give him one point. He’s not entirely wrong that the US has decided to emphasize vaccination as the answer to the pandemic, but he also dismisses masking and social distancing as having been overemphasized. Next up, Dr. McCullough resurrects a common trope about the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials by pointing out the low percentage of patients who got COVID-19 in the trials, dismissing the trials because of that while ignoring that the studies had been powered with the expectation that a low percentage of participants would be diagnosed with COVID-19. Basically, in the video he’s rehashing the same dubious arguments made by Peter Doshi in January to claim that the actual efficacy of the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is much lower than the clinical trials found. And, as antivaxxers often do, Dr. McCullough misunderstands VAERS. […] Dr. McCullough is also shockingly ignorant of how VAERS works. He claims that only a health care worker can access the system and that a patient or a loved one has to contact a physician or health care worker to enter a report. That is completely wrong. Indeed, one of the complaints about VAERS is that anybody—and I do mean anybody—can enter a report. It is this openness that is simultaneously one of VAERSgreatest strengths and weaknesses. It’s a weakness in that this openness allows for gaming of the system, as lawyers for parents seeking to sue vaccine manufacturers for autism as a “vaccine injury” did 15 years ago. Seriously, this is an error huge enough to make me wonder about everything else, in particular whether he got his MPH out of a cereal box. This guy has an MPH and doesn’t know (or didn’t bother to find out) how VAERS actually works and that there are other vaccine safety monitoring systems other than VAERS?
July 25, 2021
02:16 PM
The Slow Descent Of “Science!” As In “Trust The Science!”
If you think prayer works any better, you're welcome to try. Although I wouldn't recommend itSeversky
July 25, 2021
01:57 PM
Let's have a laugh. Look at how Peer Reviewed Atheist Science has fallen Not surprising after the lies of the Miller Urey Experiment. And the total failure of Origin of Life Science. Plus the ies of Climate Science,, the silliness of Peak Oil, the BS of the multiverse. Best of all, the cover-ups by the gate keepers. The head honchos of academia, the National Academy of Sciences, the Science Journals, the leaders of the established media. So what happened to Science? Here's what: Creationism is in the catbird seat. Over the last year and a half, our Science establishment killed 4 million people. But they still managed to give us a laugh. These self proclaimed experts got caught trying to cover it up. Tell me, isn't that kind of a howl! Anyhow, these top Atheist Scientists. Lets not kick them when they're down. They could use a serious miracle. So lets help them out. Lets try the the only way that's got a chance with that crowd. Say a prayer for them.TAMMIE LEE HAYNES
July 25, 2021
01:08 PM
Seversky Prayer seems to be illogical. If the God to whom you are praying is all-knowing – as Christians believe – then He already knows what you are asking of Him. In fact He would have been aware of the issue long before you were. So what’s the point of praying? And if He is all-powerful – again, a Christians believe – then surely He can do whatever is necessary to put it right without killing lots of people. Surely, He can just do a Jedi-like wave of the divine hand and tell them to go home and re-think their lives. There are certainly stories in the Bible where God intervenes to change the way people think and/or feel. So, again, what’s the point of praying
:) Why don't we apply your logic to our chiefs ,managers. Write a letter to your manager with the title What's the point of working?: "Dear manager you already know very well that I'm qualified and I'm a very good worker so why don't you pay me without coming to work?Lieutenant Commander Data
July 25, 2021
01:03 PM
Prayer seems to be illogical. If the God to whom you are praying is all-knowing - as Christians believe - then He already knows what you are asking of Him. In fact He would have been aware of the issue long before you were. So what's the point of praying? And if He is all-powerful - again, a Christians believe - then surely He can do whatever is necessary to put it right without killing lots of people. Surely, He can just do a Jedi-like wave of the divine hand and tell them to go home and re-think their lives. There are certainly stories in the Bible where God intervenes to change the way people think and/or feel. So, again, what's the point of praying?Seversky
July 25, 2021
10:34 AM
Polistra...I'm with you... Bill Gates leaks population control...his dad was Planned Parenthood staff too. Follow the trails! As a Christian, it is hard to not want to pray prayers that ask God to strike down the enemy. Lord, have mercy on them, but if you know they will not turn...wipe them out.zweston
July 25, 2021
09:43 AM
And climate change is clearly impacting human health, so it’s within their remit.
Is climate change making health better? To be debated.jerry
July 25, 2021
09:42 AM
https://vimeo.com/553518199Lieutenant Commander Data
July 25, 2021
09:14 AM
He notes that WHO’s primary task is forestalling pandemics. Yet in 2015 it “put out a statement saying that the greatest threat to human health in the 21st century is climate change. Now that, to me, suggests an organization not focused on the day job.”
If their primary task was to forestall pandemics, then surely they would be called something like the World Pandemic Prevention Organisation. If you read their webpage, they don't even mention pandemics under What We do: it's under health emergencies. The WHO does much more than work on infectious diseases, they are looking at health generally. And climate change is clearly impacting human health, so it's within their remit.Bob O'H
July 25, 2021
08:32 AM
It's not a failure, it's a planned and successful genocide. Governments are never clueless or failed. When a project LOOKS like a failure to us, it's because we mistakenly assume that governments are trying to solve problems. They aren't. Their sole purpose since 1946 is creating problems and killing everyone. Pure demonic evil.polistra
July 25, 2021
08:26 AM
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