As claimed here, he says:
The simulation is really quite bad. According to the article, they used 12 billion pixels in a cube 350 million ly across, for a resolution of 153000 ly per pixel (without adaptive meshing). Now our galaxy is about 100,000 ly across, so we basically have one largish galaxy per pixel. With 100 billion galaxies in the universe, then at a minimum we would need to have 100 billion pixels to simulate for our “universe simulation” if we used “adaptive meshing” to skip over the vacuum in between, so right away you can tell we have only about 10% of the necessary computer resolution. But they didn’t even come close to that. According to the article they simulated the formation of 41,000 galaxies. So their universe, despite trying to simulate the entire Big Bang, managed to get 41,000/100,000,000,000 = 0.000041% of the matter into its proper place.
The sad story of 21st century science:
“But does it ever look pretty! What are you doing with that calculator, just watch the movie!”
He also writes to say,
Its unfortunate that the overlap between being a teacher and being hired as a teacher is rapidly approaching the null set, because short-term, propaganda is always politically more powerful.
Darwin lobby court judgments help.
Look, it doesn’t matter any more what they are shouting as long as it is the effect of such judgments. Why does no one realise?