[This just in an email from the skeptics:]
The Center for Inquiry is launching a Secular Celebrant Program!
CFI Secular Celebrant Training
December 5, 2009
Center for Inquiry Indiana
350 Canal Walk, Suite A, Indianapolis
Click here to register online.
Why a CFI Secular Celebrant Program?
As we move through life, we celebrate many occasions filled with joy and love, accomplishment and striving, loss and grief. Unfortunately, the choice of persons to conduct ceremonies for these occasions is usually between religious clergy and impersonal civil officials.
For the 16% of the U.S. population not affiliated with any religion,
this can be a traumatic experience.
They may be required to go through religious counseling and/or have religious references in their ceremony. They may be prevented from having their choice of music or readings as part of the ceremony. The local minister called on to conduct a funeral/memorial may preach a “come to Jesus” sermon or otherwise use religious references that are not in keeping with the worldview of the person being memorialized. Many of us have seen this done.
Wedding ceremonies, memorials, and other life passages are extremely important events—they are life’s milestones—and people should be able to have these ceremonies conducted in a manner and by a person of their choosing.
While some people of the secular worldview do not see a need for rituals and ceremonies of any kind, many feel that having a way of marking life passages is important. CFI feels that this is a personal choice and that secular ceremonies—and persons to conduct these ceremonies—should be available to those who want them.
Who can become a Secular Celebrant?
CFI Secular Celebrant Training is open to all, but additional steps are required of those wishing to receive CFI Secular Celebrant Certification and listing in the CFI Celebrant Directory.
Cost for all-day training workshop: $75.00
CFI Secular Celebrant Training in Indianapolis will be led by Reba Boyd Wooden, Executive Director of CFI Indiana, and Jim Underdown, Executive Director of CFI Los Angeles. Both have performed many dozens of ceremonies and have taught the art of secular celebrations to many others. They will be joined by John Shook, CFI Vice President and Senior Research Fellow, and D.J. Grothe, CFI Vice President and Director of Outreach Programs.
For more information, please visit the following links:
Registration Page
Conference Schedule and Lodging (Hurry! Special hotel rates expire 11/4/09)
CFI Certification and What This Certification Qualifies You to Do
We are excited about this new CFI program and look forward to meeting you in Indianapolis!
Reba Boyd Wooden, Executive Director, CFI Indiana
Jim Underdown, Executive Director, CFI Los Angeles
Co-directors, CFI Secular Celebrant Program
Questions? Call 317-423-0710 or email rwooden@centerforinquiry.net.