Fossil find ‘Oldest land Animal.” BBC News. Short news story from January, 2004, describing the find of the fossil millipede, Pneumodesmus newmani , from Silurian rocks in Scotland, which is the oldest (428 million years old) known land animal. Includes two pictures.
Oldest Insect Delights Experts. BBC News. Short news story from February, 2004, describing the find of a fragmentary insect, Rhyniognatha hirsti , from the Rhynie Chert in Scotland, which is the oldest (396-407 million years old) known insect. Includes a picture.
Archaeognatha-Bristletails. Tree of Life Project. Short description of bristletails, which are possibly the oldest (near-complete) fossil insects. The oldest fossil bristletail is a fossil from the Devonian (388-390 million years old) of Quebec.
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Some people wonder why life forms just appear and then nothing much happens for hundreds of millions of years. That’s a key reason there is a controversy around evolution.
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