Recently, Bill Dembski and Jonathan Wells published a textbook supplement called The Design of Life. It’s pretty controversial, as you can tell by all the ignorant remarks and insults at the Amazon site.
The book explains the reasons why Darwin was wrong. Stuff you won’t find in the textbook your taxes pay for (or your student loan pays for if your prof puts it on the course.)
You can find out more about the book (or even buy it) here.
Meanwhile, trusty Canadian bloggers Jane Harris-Zsovan and I blog at the Design of Life blog on items that help explain why the book was written: To help students understand the facts of life that don’t mesh with Darwinism.
Now, maybe you know all this stuff. Great! Have you considered encouraging friends or family who DON’T know it to have a look?
Remember, your nearest and dearest are always hearing from legacy media, schools, and museums why Darwin was right (your tax dollars at work again, usually).
If you don’t help them understand why that’s mainly propaganda in the service of materialism, can you really blame them for just saying, “Okay, whatever … whatever they want me to believe, I’ll just believe, so they will shut up and go away … “?
For example, here are some stories that someone you know might appreciate:
Origin of life: Popular science media solve the origin of life every few weeks. Huh?
Origin of species? Check out the beefalo and see if you STILL believe the textbook.
Explosions of life: Yes! And not brought to you by Darwinian competition
By the way, did you ever hear of the Avalon explosion of life, nearly 600 million years ago? Possibly not. It was not a Darwinian event, so …
And then nothing much happened for millions of years … Yes, the real history of life is NOT constant Darwinian competition and survival of the fittest leading to fantastic life forms. After an initial explosion, usually, nothing much happens.
Oh, and remember that molecular clock you’ve heard so much about, that will reveal Darwin’s truth for all time? It is right about twice a day.
The Copernican myth and other myths – you know, how Copernicus showed that our planet isn’t special? Flapdoodle. But … in lots of popular and educational media, the undead still walk. Don’t walk with them. Lots of myths fronted in pop science media debunked here.
Anyway, read and enjoy these posts, and there will soon be lots more at the Design of Life blog.