Atheist philosophers dissenting from Darwin … what they are really saying …
Others are talking about: Atheist philosopher Jerry Fodor’s What Darwin Got Wrong
Atheist ghosts back, like a bad penny…
From reader Karl Krysko: On gazing upon the grave of Charles Darwin
Fri nite frite: Atheist who believes in ghosts?
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Jonathan Wells on the junk DNA myth
We are all Martians now, revisited
Psychiatrist slammed in National Geographic publication for signing Dissent from Darwinism statement
Water is Bewitched
“I completely agree that scientific progress has undermined our old animist beliefs and led to the disenchantment of the world.” Jules Evans I was thinking about that highlighted part, and my response is, “Well, yes and no.” Yes, if Evans is saying nothing more than that we no longer believe, for example, that fairies tangle the hair of sleepers into elf-locks. But if Evans is suggesting that science has given us a better understanding of final causes, he is wrong. My favorite Chesterton quote: All the terms used in the science books, ‘law,’ ‘necessity,’ ‘order,’ ‘tendency,’ and so on, are really unintellectual, because they assume an inner synthesis, which we do not possess. The only words that ever satisfied me Read More ›