Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

www.genetic-id.com, an instance design detection?

Many people do not understand what the Explanatory Filter represents, it represent “ordinary practice” of detecting design.

Explanatory Filter from the book Design Inference

The Explanatory Filter faithfully represents our ordinary practice of sorting through things we alternately attribute to law, chance, or design. In particular, the filter describes

how copyright and patent offices identify theft of intellectual property

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Georgia Tech’s Center for Biologically Inspired Design (CBID)

Here’s how it works: we find some amazing system in the biological realm, determine how to reverse engineer it, and then design and build a parallel system to serve our needs. But of course, the original system evolved by blind trial-and-error tinkering (random variation and natural selection). To think that it was actually designed because we had to design its human counterpart is just plain stupid. For the Georgia Center, go here: http://www.cbid.gatech.edu.