Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

nullasalus Makes a Point

Nullasalus writes here: By the way – does anyone else notice that when it comes to evolution, disagreement is always translated as ‘You don’t understand evolution!’? Larry Moran plays the card in the link I give. Everyone’s playing the card with Kaz. Dawkins and company played the card with EO Wilson. EO Wilson arguably played it right back. Jerry Fodor got the same treatment for writing What Darwin Got Wrong. Thomas Nagel got the same. It’s as if disagreement is literally unthinkable. You’re either all on the same page or you just don’t get evolution fundamentally. That seems about right based on my experience.

Everyone Has Faith, Even Those Who Deny It

When it comes to faith there are two kinds of people – those who understand and embrace the fact that faith of some kind is inevitable and those who try to dodge this ineluctable primordial datum. We cannot know completely. Kurt Gödel demonstrated that even the basic principles of a mathematical system while true cannot be proved to be true. This is his incompleteness theorem. Gödel exploded the myth of the possibility of perfect knowledge about anything. If even a mathematical system must be taken on faith at certain level, is there anything we can know completely? No there is not. Faith is inevitable. Deny that fact and live a life of blinkered illusion, or embrace it and live in Read More ›


This is UD’s 12,000th post. Thank you to all of our tireless writers and readers.

Gradualism: The Darwinist Article of Faith

Commenter Seqenenre writes: Me, my mother, her mother, her mother etc 110 million times. Each and every mother and daughter are of the same species. Yet number 50 million and 49.999.999 certainly are not human. I find this puzzling. We can deduce two things from this comment. First, Seqenenre is not a native English speaker. I deduce this from the fact that he uses a period instead of a comma as a digit group separator. It is neither here nor there, but I am guessing German. The second thing I deduce is that Seqenenre has drunk deeply from the well of Darwinist gradualism. Yet there is simply no evidence that gradualism in the way Darwin expected ever happened. Indeed, the Read More ›

Genie … meet Bottle!

In short, many current science writers want to be taken seriously as investigators while behaving as cheerleaders. And if the public can’t process that thought, something is allegedly wrong with the public, not with the thought or their overall approach. Read More ›