Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

News from a “Cathedral of Biology”

Bird malaria has hit the Galapagos, and may affect Darwin’s finches. As it happened, Darwin contributed little to the study of finches beyond their name. In the context of a cathedral dedicated to him, that cannot of course be spelled out. Read More ›

The amazing feats of 007: something to crow about?

By now, most readers will have read about the jaw-dropping problem-solving feats of a New Caledonian crow named 007. In the course of just three minutes, 007 managed to solve a complex eight-stage puzzle in order to get some food, in an experiment devised by Dr. Alex Taylor (home page here), a lecturer in evolutionary psychology at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Here’s what 007 had to do, as described by journalist Sarah Griffiths in an article in Daily Mail online (11 February 2014) which also includes a video of 007’s performance: First the crow pulls a string attached to the branch it is perched on towards itself to reach a short stick dangling below. The crow picks up Read More ›

Our moral and intellectual superiors ask, Can creationists be (allowed to be) scientists?

Should the world believe that people who wanted Nye to shine or just didn’t care much would go to all the trouble of studying each skull shown on the slide, as a YEC did? If McElwee has his way, it won’t just be DeWitt who isn’t (allowed to be) asking any questions. No one will be. Read More ›

DRC466 on Plato vs Aristotle

DRC writes: Evolution postulates that the History of Life is due to gradual evolution of form generating novel features and functions, which has been a result of strictly naturalistic random mutations and variations of genetic material. This cannot be demonstrated in a laboratory. This cannot be illustrated from fossils in the fossil record. This cannot be proven false. Proving me wrong should be a simple exercise. Simply point to a single experiment, performed over the last 150 years of evolutionary experimentation and investigation, that shows random unguided mutation resulting in a completely novel function (e.g. a rat growing wings, a fruit fly that can spin webs, e.coli. becoming not e.coli.). Your response will no doubt take the form of “there Read More ›