Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Evolution Professor: The Same Infection, In the Same Place, In the Same Gene

In recent posts I have reviewed several problems with evolutionary thinking as evident in the Nelson-Velasco debate, including non scientific claims that only evolution can explain biology, arguments from authority, appeals to unknown or unlikely evolutionary mechanisms and pathways such as in the hypothetical evolution of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and ALUs, false claims about the empirical scientific evidence, such as with the ORFans and the so-called nested hierarchy, and appeals to a fictional track record of success of the theory of evolution. All of these problems are typical but if you stop there then you don’t really understand evolution. For while these may seem to be serious problems, they are dwarfed by the proofs of evolution.  Read more

Science illiteracy on the liberal left: PZ Myers and Amanda Marcotte can’t face the facts of life

The liberal blogosphere is apparently up in arms over recent remarks by straight-shooter Senator Marco Rubio on the Sean Hannity Show and subsequently reported in the Huffington Post, exposing the science denialism that occurs on the political left. “Here’s what I always get a kick out of, and it shows you the hypocrisy. All these people always wag their finger at me about science and settled science. Let me give you a bit of settled science that they’ll never admit to,” Rubio said. “The science is settled, it’s not even a consensus, it is a unanimity, that human life beings at conception. So I hope the next time someone wags their finger about science, they’ll ask one of these leaders Read More ›

Evolution Professor: “None of these facts would make sense, if we weren’t related”

In his 1924 classic The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science E. A. Burtt explored the non scientific ideas that motivated and influenced the scientific revolution of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. But the story doesn’t end there and today non scientific ideas drive science as much as ever. Of course there is nothing wrong with non scientific, metaphysical reasoning, per se. Indeed science would be unable to proceed without a metaphysical basis. So the problem is not that science is driven by metaphysics, but rather that science is driven by bad metaphysics. Consider the recent Nelson-Velasco debate where professor Joel Velasco relied on the if-and-only-if reasoning that underlies evolutionary thought.  Read more

Uncommon Descent is now a 501(c)(3) Entity

Thought of giving it all away To a registered charity Sir Paul McCartney If any of our readers have had similar thoughts, we hope you will keep UD in mind, because we are now just such a registered charity. Last week the IRS issued our determination letter under Section 501(c)(3).  Now when you click on that “Donate” button to further our work here at UD, you can reap the benefits of a nice fat deduction come tax time (the bigger the donation the fatter the deduction!!!)