Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Is the Origin of New Genes “Basically a Solved Problem”?

It is no surprise that proteins—the essential machines of life—are not likely to have evolved. At least, that is, if you believe in science. Even according to evolutionists and the most optimistic assumptions possible, the evolution of proteins is so unlikely it is beyond practical consideration. While this conclusion is intuitive and hardly surprising, there are several reasons for it. One of the reasons is that the scenarios evolutionists typically envision involve the pre existence of proteins. For instance, proteins are needed to create proteins, at least in today’s biological world. Indeed, proteins are also required for life as we know it. So the first proteins would have had to evolved in a very different kind of biological world. Another Read More ›

Not Merely False

“We have now sunk to a depth at which the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men” (George Orwell). The following statements are so obvious as to be considered truisms. 1. The primordial datum: I am subjectively self-aware. 2. It is not possible even in principle to account for mental facts, such as the primordial datum, on the basis of physical facts. They are different sorts of things; therefore one cannot account for the other. Trying to account for subjective self-awareness by suggesting it is an epiphenomenon of the electro-chemical process of the brain is like saying the color blue can be reduced to its constituent banana peels. 3. It follows that a reductionist materialism is Read More ›

Let us remember Sept 11, 2001

Today is the thirteenth anniversary of the Sept 11, 2001 attacks. Let us remember, with the aid of some live video from CNN: [youtube rsIWPPw-JzU] Let us pause for a moment of silent reflection, and let us remember. END