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Junk Science at War With Civilization


The EPA declares carbon dioxide a danger to public health.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. No, not about global warming, but about fraudulent “science.”

President Obama, White House Climate Czar Carol Browner, and their Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are not waiting for Congress to pass cap-and-trade. Shrugging off the Climate-gate scandal, today EPA administration Lisa Jackson issues a so-called “endangerment finding,” paving the way for onerous greenhouse gas regulations to be shoehorned into the 1970 Clean Air Act.

@ DLH #6 The Heartland Institute report you link to claims on page 7 (section 5) to have reached "a very surprising result, establishing the fact that the man-made emissions are insignificant and therefore have no influence on the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere". This is indeed surprising, because it is a measured fact that the extra CO2 in the atmosphere today has come from the burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels has a particular ratio of carbon and oxygen isotopes, CO2 emitted from volcanoes has a different ratio and CO2 from biological sources yet another ratio. And the extra CO2 in the atmosphere has the isotope ration which matches the burning of fossil fuels. The whole thrust of the Heartland document is that some anthropogenic CO2 is absorbed by the oceans and that the amount being absorbed changes seasonally and from year to year. This is true and nobody has ever disputed it. But it then goes on to conclude that this means anthropogenic emissions aren't changing the composition of the atmosphere. This is both illogical and demonstrably wrong. waterbear
Aside from all the religiously indoctrinated true believers- you have all the governmental interests- the bought and paid for media (useful idiots)- those who need more government grants- then you have the international interests that are just interested in beating down and extorting the US — and finally you have the sleazy dishonorable CAPITALISTS- very often overlooked- who are floating all of these pseudo businesses hoping for Stalinist style AGW legislation to be forced down the people’s throats in an unconstitutional fashion- so that they can scheme their way to fortunes hand over first.
Capitalists, Stalinists, governments. Who's left then? Isn't it getting too cold for you being alone, Frosty. osteonectin
For details on CO2, see: What is CO2 - friend or foe? Equilibrium ratio of CO2 in Atmosphere:Ocean ~ 1:50 RATE OF INCREASING CONCENTRATIONS OF ATMOSPHERIC CARBON DIOXIDE CONTROLLED BY NATURAL TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS Fred Goldberg, Dr Tech DLH
@Frost122585 #4:
Yeah a better question would be “how much of the human emissions are just consumed and sequestered by the vegetation and therefore neutralized?”
An excellent question. Vegetation absorbs about 30% of our CO2 emissions, the oceans another 25%.
My intuition says MOST of it is ... the very pathetically small human signal is immediately neutralized.
Analytical chemistry disagrees with your intuition. Emissions of CO2 from the burning of fossil fuels have raised the CO2 concentration of the atmosphere from about 280 ppm in the preindustrial era to 380 ppm today. In other words human activities, far from creating a "small signal" which is "immediately neutralized", have raised the concentration of CO2 by 35% from where it was. waterbear
Joe, Yeah a better question would be "how much of the human emissions are just consumed and sequestered by the vegetation and therefore neutralized?" My intuition says MOST of it is. Eventually it is brought downwards because of rains and gravity and wind and all of the climate cycles- and when the plants get hold of it - plants which make up the HUGE abundance of vegetation on the planet- the very pathetically small human signal is immediately neutralized. I heard on TV at this garbage Copenhagen convention is that the new lie or line is that the US did cool this year but part of Africa and Asia warmed. Ridiculous and convenient. We sane and awake people all know it has been record cools in the north west of the US- and even where I am at in the north east it has been cooler that usual compared with the slight warming in the 90s- - of course this is all swept under the rug so they can just point to what is probably more false data- from African and Asian, government paid and controlled scientists. This is so irritating and insulting that it is beyond the decency of intelligible words- and almost deserves nothing more than four letter expressions of disgust. The sea levels are not rising- the ice is not melting at any significant rate- and I can go down to the bay and see the facts- AGW is 99% a political lie. Aside from all the religiously indoctrinated true believers- you have all the governmental interests- the bought and paid for media (useful idiots)- those who need more government grants- then you have the international interests that are just interested in beating down and extorting the US -- and finally you have the sleazy dishonorable CAPITALISTS- very often overlooked- who are floating all of these pseudo businesses hoping for Stalinist style AGW legislation to be forced down the people's throats in an unconstitutional fashion- so that they can scheme their way to fortunes hand over first. Sad but true. Frost122585
Without CO2 what would happen to all the plants? Joseph
They blamed it on the Supreme Court. Said they were forced to do it. lol. Mung
One is left speechless. Gods iPod

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