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Continuing efforts to erase the beginning of time

This image represents the evolution of the Universe, starting with the Big Bang. The red arrow marks the flow of time.
Big Bang/NASA

Following up on the
survival of Stephen Hawking’s here’s another effort to eliminate a beginning :

When we think about our cosmic origins, then, it’s only human to ask the most fundamental of all possible questions: where did this all come from? It’s been more than half a century since the first robust and unique predictions of the Big Bang were confirmed, leading to our modern picture of a Universe that began from a hot, dense state some 13.8 billion years ago. But in our quest for the beginning, we know already that time couldn’t have started with the Big Bang. In fact, it might not have had a beginning at all…

Thousands of years after we laid out the three major possibilities for how time began — as having always existed, as having begun a finite duration ago in the past, or as being a cyclical entity — we are no closer to a definitive answer. Whether time is finite, infinite, or cyclical is not a question that we have enough information within our observable Universe to answer. Unless we figure out a new way to gain information about this deep, existential question, the answer may forever be beyond the limits of what is knowable. Ethan Siegel, “Did Time Have A Beginning?” at Forbes

It’s quite clear that Siegel’s objection to the idea of a beginning to the universe is philosophical. Most of the nonsense one hears, genrlaly, can be traced to unwillingness to admit that.

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See also: Hawking’s idea that the universe had no beginning is still alive, on life support At Quanta: After two years of sparring, the groups have traced their technical disagreement to differing beliefs about how nature works.


The Big Bang: Put simply,the facts are wrong.

either way, (reality a start 5779 YA or live in denial w/ eternal universe). so how/why could physical matter wait so long in limbo till it assembled into the known universe? the strongest science only accounts for thousands, not billions of years starting at the cosmic inflation expansion epoch early in the history of the universe .. reference SPIRAL Cosmological Redshift hypothesis and model. Pearlman
either way, (reality a start 5779 YA or live in denial w/ eternal universe). so how/why could physical matter wait so long in limbo till it assembled into the known universe? the strongest science only accounts for thousands, not billions of years starting at the cosmic inflation expansion epoch early in the history of the universe .. reference SPIRAL CR hypothesis and model, volume II of the YeC Moshe Emes series for Torah and science alignment. Pearlman
“For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance, he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries.” Robert Jastrow PaoloV
“As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.” Max Planck "'Das Wesen der Materie' ('The Nature of Matter')". Speech in Florence, Italy,, 1944. I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness. Max Planck A scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. Max Planck Scientific Autobiography, and Other Papers "Scientific Autobiography" (1948) (translation by Frank Gaynor) PaoloV
And we probably never well just because of the fact that we can’t extend past our own physics more than likely. Also time travel would have to be a key component to that as well the best that we could ever do is try to replicate a big bang but at that point we were the ones that caused it to happen AaronS1978
One of the few things kf and I agree on is that you cannot get something from nothing. If there had ever been truly nothing at all there would still be nothing since nothing cannot be "causally efficacious" in the slightest. This suggests that, while this Universe may have started in the Big Bang, there must have been something before - whatever that might mean - although we have no idea what that something might have been. Seversky
From what I understand of the Big Bang (which, admittedly, is very limited), it only goes back in time just after it “started”. Time existed and all of the matter in the universe existed. The best answer to what existed before this is “we don’t know”. The idea that matter and time were created during that short time is speculation. Brother Brian
It’s quite clear that Siegel’s objection to the idea of a beginning to the universe is philosophical.
Erm, it is? daveS
OK, but for all practical purposes, let's PRETEND that Time began at the instant of The Big Bang and has been moving uniformly forward ever since. Youse guys what wanna argue about when Time "really" began" or whether "time" even exists can catch the 7:15 to Paduchah; it's always on time. But don't call us. We'll call you. vmahuna

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