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Intelligent design and elite culture: These are the people who invented silk stockings for men, so what should I expect?


Trust the French to turn efforts to “control” Internet communications into a cruel comedy.

PARIS — Dominique Broueilh is an unlikely cyberdelinquent, much less a political dissident. But earlier this year, Ms. Broueilh, 50, a homemaker and mother of three, found herself the target of a police investigation and a lawsuit from a French cabinet official because of a comment she had posted online.

Ms. Broueilh had come upon a video of the official, Nadine Morano, the secretary of state for the family, caught in a seeming untruth regarding her presence at a 2007 conference. “Oh, the liar,” Ms. Broueilh wrote, under a pseudonym, in comments below the clip.

The judicial police called in May on a weekday afternoon.

“I said to myself, ‘This must be a joke, it’s not possible,’ ” Ms. Broueilh recounted in a telephone interview from her home in St.-Paul-lès-Dax, south of Bordeaux. “It’s ridiculous, after all.”

The police said Ms. Morano, a combative politician and one of President Nicolas Sarkozy’s closest allies, had subpoenaed Ms. Broueilh’s Internet protocol address, obtained her identity and brought suit against her for “public insult toward a member of the ministry,” an offense punishable by a fine of up to $18,000.

– Scott Sayare, “As Web challenges French leaders, they push back” (New York Times, December 12, 2009)

Couldn’t make this stuff up.

First, this is fascism reborn. Second, a politician who can’t deal with edgy comments should be a docent in The Museum of Typewriters somewhere. So why isn’t she?

You really must read the whole thing, but here are some excerpts:

“The Internet is a danger for democracy,” said Jean-François Copé, parliamentary chief for the governing party, the Union for a Popular Movement, in a recent radio interview.

[ … ]

“I find we’re entering a strange society,” said Henri Guaino, one of Mr. Sarkozy’s closest counselors, speaking on French radio in September. “We can no longer say anything, we can no longer do anything. It’s absolute transparency — it’s the beginnings of totalitarianism!”

Beginnings of totalitarianism? I would say that the bright, sterilizing light of transparency is the end of totalitarianism. But read the rest yourself, and weep for France, a once great nation, and the progenitor of our French Canadian culture.

The main problem isn’t that these elite French twits think as they do, but that a majority votes for them. They could be returned to fashionable idleness in one single fair election.

As a Canuck free speech journalist, I say to the French generally: Get yer faces out of the buttered escargots and tell those upper crusts, You are not smart enough to tell me how to live.

Actually, I am at a loss to think of a better demonstrated proposition anywhere.

One friend has asked me whether this trend will affect the intelligent design controversy.

That is, might the idea that such elites are above criticism via the Internet spread to North America, leading to big time controls on communications?

Depends on the Escargot Index, right? The bureaucratic elite tried it recently in Canada, and they are now getting their butts whacked all across the country.*

Different culture here across the Pond? Maybe. Most Canadians are within four generations of immigrants. People didn’t choose Canada in order to have our lives run by upper class twits. In fact, we are mostly here because … (no prizes for guessing right).

(*See Shakedown, Lights Out, and Tyranny of Nice for details, alternatively Ezra Levant or Post-Darwinist updates. )

First, perhaps, comes a benevolent dictatorship
It is altogether more insidious than that. First comes a benevolent body, call it "congress" who pretends to represent the people. Put on a popular face who can sell all sorts of lies to the people, promising all sorts of gain with no pain, and back it up with a third party, call it a supreme court, who is supposed to protect the people from the usurpations of power reserved solely to them by the Constitution, but which court thinks that constitution has something to do with laxative. Fund it all with a secretive organization that operates on the creation of "wealth" out of pure air, and you have all the ingredients required for all the effects of a dictatorship without the face of a dictator. Mung
First, perhaps, comes a benevolent dictatorship—populism, wealth redistribution, goodies for everybody—political correctness run amuck yet much of elite society still moderated by a moral capital whose rationale is long forgotten—so as long as there is no knock on the door late at night or any excess smoke from the crematoria then why worry? Well maybe I worry because with forty plus years of miseducation in the government schools the scales may be tipping. Maybe now only a minority really care—certainly a majority of elites at all levers of influence and power do not. No, it generally doesn’t begin with death camps—at least not in the enlightened West. And we can assure ourselves with the comforting (though racist?) thought that the Germans or Russians or Chinese weren’t as sophisticated as we are. It can’t happen here. Maybe not—I don’t know. But I do worry. If you wonder whether the elites care about truth and honesty just type in Climategate at Wikipedia and see who is made to appear criminal. Rude
Kyrilluk, hands across the Pond in friendship: Governments don't free people. People free themselves. The first step, in my experience, is, quit listening to tax-funded propaganda and seek authentic sources of news. I half hope the mooted US legacy media bailout goes ahead. (You know, "localism," "fairness," and all that). Then it will be clear that those media are mere mouthpieces for the government. In that case, there is no excuse for listening to them as if they occupied a neutral position. There are lots of other fight back steps to recommend, but if one doesn't take that first step, it is superfluous to discuss the further ones. O'Leary
This is just the tip of the Iceberg. Others people have been condemned after posting stuff on their blogs.A lot of blogs now are situated abroad (such as right-wings ones) to avoid censure. But this is not only France: it's the whole Europe. Italian have suffered too. The last country in Europe with a bit of democracy left is Switzerland. They just had a referendum on whether to allow the construction of Minaret (islamic symbols of powers) in their country. Referendum that will be probably going to be invalidated by supranational dictatorship such as the European Commission. During the Climategate scandal, there was a total blackout in the mainstream media (excepted a brief reference to the "emails" by a climate scientist). Sometimes, manipulation is so obvious...but people buy it anyway: Like broadcasting a documentary about Climate Change the day before an European election. Kyrilluk
The Internet is a danger for democracy
No doubt the Iranian government agrees. Mung

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