Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Charles Darwin University


Where instruction and indoctrination are the same thing . . . http://www.cdu.edu.au

I understand this university evolved from a lower form of educational institution.

The real irony is that it is ranked first in the humanities and accounting. :D Ah the irony. jwrennie
"I’m curious, but did this university evolve from earlier, less complex educational institutions (say a 1 room school house), or was it intelligently planned and designed?" And was it's evolution "purposeless and unguided". russ

I'm curious, but did this university evolve from earlier, less complex educational institutions (say a 1 room school house), or was it intelligently planned and designed?

[[DonaldM: I stole your "evolved from a less complex educational institution line" from another forum where you first used it (i.e., "phylogeny"). --WmAD]]

Its a political party if anybody did not catch that in my last comment. tb
Here in Germany, CDU is the Christian Democratic Union which at the moment is in power. It was just funny to see a university (no capital U ;) with the same initials. tb

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