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The Case of Biologos and the Disappearing Documents


Maybe we should put J.Warner Wallace on this one. What happened to these documents at the BioLogos theistic evolution site? Their grand Search for Truth seems to include finding and deleting documents without explanation:

For example, the nylonase story was pretty egregious. Professor Venema used it as part of a direct attack on Stephen Meyer and intelligent design. Ann Gauger responded in a series of posts where she showed that the original assertion, that nylonase was the result of a frame shift mutation, was without basis, and that later papers demonstrated two mutations had produced nylonase activity in a pre-existing enzyme. At the time there was no retraction or apology for the false accusation. Now Venema’s post appears to be gone. I can find links but they lead nowhere. That’s too bad. An apology would admit what the error was and what damage it may have done. It could have been appended to the original article, or the original article itself could have been updated to acknowledge the error and state things accurately.

Why is this necessary? Anyone following an Internet trail that says Venema demonstrated Meyer was wrong using nylonase will come to a dead end, and never get the full story. That is, unless he or she finds Gauger’s articles, which are still up, but now link to nothing.

An article dealing with the vitellogenin gene by Venema has been revised, not deleted, but no one but Dr. Venema or Dr. Gauger is likely to know why or how. (Well, there was some push from others also.) It was revised because of Dr. Gauger’s criticism, but the figure that was the basis of the criticism is gone.

By contrast, note the forthright clarification at the end of what Gauger wrote in her article about Venema’s error, where she had to make a correction of her own.

David Klinghoffer, “BioLogos and the Search for Truth” at Evolution News and Science Today

Maybe the link between whatever Truth they are Searching for and transparency is kind of loose… Good to know.

J. Warner Wallace?, you ask? Oh well, see: Crime scene investigator Warner J. Wallace vs. Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot (insignificant Earth). Is it true that Earth is insignificant? What is the pattern of the evidence? Wallace investigates.

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