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Cells have two separate guidance systems for the arrangement of their cellulose fibres


This “dual guidance system” was “not predicted”:

Previous studies have shown that microtubules — hollow tubes with a diameter one thousandth of a human hair — play a key role in organising cellulose synthesis. They do this by guiding cellulose synthase complexes (CSCs) — nanomachines that spin cellulose fibres out while travelling along the cell membrane.

But when microtubules are removed by drugs, CSCs continue to journey in an organised way, suggesting another mechanism is at play…

By slowing down microtubules inside growing leaves, spacing them apart and removing them altogether in some experiments, they reveal a system that can independently guide CSCs. In this system CSCs interact with the cellulose trails left by other complexes, like ants following the chemical trails left by other ants.

Further investigation reveals this autonomous system can be overridden by microtubule guidance, allowing the ‘ant columns’ to be redirected in response to environmental and developmental cues.

John Innes Centre, “How plants are built to be strong and responsive” at ScienceDaily

Paper. (open access)

Imagine somehow randomly evolving two separate guidance systems…

"The mechanism we discovered was not predicted," Duh! Have they ever predicted anything that they have discovered? Why do we see so many “unexpectedly...”, “surprisingly...”, and so on in research papers? The only thing they have predicted is that random variations and natural selection produce de novo functional complexity. But have they discovered that yet? pw
TF@2 Heh! +1 Latemarch
There is more intelligence in a pair if microtubules than in all of evolutionists minds combined. *Disclaimer: The comment above appeared randomly, for no reason whatsoever. If you think it had a reason, you are "projecting".* Truthfreedom
Hmm... intriguing: the title of the ScienceDaily article that you cited and quoted says: "How plants are built to be strong and responsive" The same title appeared in Phys.org (https://phys.org/news/2020-02-built-strong-responsive.html). Both articles link to the cell.com paper titled "Interaction between Autonomous and Microtubule Guidance Systems Controls Cellulose Synthase Trajectories" (https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(19)31699-9?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0960982219316999%3Fshowall%3Dtrue#secsectitle0030) Doesn't the expression "built to be strong and responsive" imply teleology, purpose, intention, goal? jawa

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