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The croc that walked like a man?

artist’s impression of a bipedal Cretaceous croc/Anthony Romilio

Well, we couldn’t really resist that one…

A new study released today in Scientific Reports announced the surprising discovery of abundant, well-preserved 110-120-million-year-old footprints, belonging to a large bipedal ancestor of modern-day crocodiles from the Lower Cretaceous Jinju Formation of South Korea. The team of palaeontologist trackers that made the discovery includes researchers from Korea, Australia, and University of Colorado Denver professor, Martin Lockley…

“It shocked us to learn that the trackways represent bipedal animals 3-4 meters long,” said team leader Professor Kyung Soo Kim, Chinju National University of Education.

“Nobody expected such large bipedal crocs,” said Martin Lockley, a University of Colorado professor who has been studying fossil footprints in Korea for 30 years. “The Jinju Formation is so rich in tracks; you can read the entire ecology.”

The discovery of well-preserved tracks is important to palaeontologist trackers because they show details of skin impressions as clear as if made yesterday. Tracks also read the pattern of pads, showing foot bone structure and the tell-tale narrowness of trackways which show a bipedal gait, different from the sprawling posture of modern crocodiles. There has even been evidence from parallel trackways that show they may have travelled in social groups, just like their dinosaur cousins.

University of Colorado at Denver, “New discovery of giant bipedal crocodile footprints in the cretaceous of Korea” at Eurekalert

Paper. (open access)

The tracks were once thought to have been made by a pterosaur:

“The discovery of the new tracks solved the ‘whodunnit’ mystery,” says Lockley. He says the next step will be to look for more tracks in this region, where the quality of preservations is particularly high.

Michela Johnson at the University of Edinburgh in the UK says the tracks appear to have very distinct, chunky-looking toes, in addition to impressions from crocodile-like scales, both of which are more consistent with crocodylomorph rather than pterosaur origin.

Layal Liverpool, “Ancient footprints could be from a crocodile that walked on two legs” at New Scientist

Next, we’ll hear they were wearing crocs.

Ancestor? How on earth do they know that? This must be a slip of the Darwinian tongue!
Yep! But the logic goes like this: Crocs musta had evolutionary ancestors. We found footprints of something that looked like those produced by crocs but There Were No Front Footprints and so it musta been a Bipedal Evolutionary Ancestor that musta evolved from bipedal locomotion to quadripedal locomotion once again proving evolution! Sounds like a croc to me. ;-) Hmmm. I wonder what kind of prints croc leave when moving in shallow water . . . -Q Querius
This caught my eye, " a large bipedal ancestor of modern-day crocodiles". Ancestor? How on earth do they know that? This must be a slip of the Darwinian tongue! I expect most palaeontologists would say that most fossil species went extinct without generating a continuous line of descent up to today. You simply cannot know which species begat which more recent ones, especially as there are rarely any intermediary fossils to show continuity of the line. Think of the morass of supposed human evolution and its constant revisions. Fasteddious
“Next, we’ll hear they were wearing crocs.” Hey, why not? :) jawa
Now we have crocoducks and crocoroos.... any more bids? polistra
Not sure why this was surprising. Think kangaroos. Big tail acts as third leg. polistra
Maybe it’s a crocoduck. Ed George

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