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A petition is going the rounds urging that Richard Dawkins be allowed to speak at Trinity College


Readers will recall that Richard Dawkins was recently deplatformed by that once intellectually viable institution. Apparently, when Richard Dawkins said he was an atheist, some people didn’t realize that he rejected Islam along with Christianity.*

ID types are urging people to sign the petition.


News at Linked In:

Yer news hack signed it, and commented:

Trinity College was once an intellectual hub. If it is to morph into a mere rest home for frail egos sheltering empty minds, shouldn’t there at least be some public discussion scheduled first?

Sign it if you like Uncommon Descent. Because we are just so not Cancel Culture.

And real people deserve better than Cancel Culture!

See also: Richard Dawkins is getting canceled again.

*Note: Taxpayers should request a refund of the money spent on the schools those people attended if they really didn’t learn basic what-does-the-word-mean? stuff like that. Such students probably need special remedial courses too.

Petitions don't matter. People get cancelled not because of a petition signed by a few hundred. Such a petition is just a plausible cause. The reality is a lot darker. ...As Trader Joe's recently put it "We do not (re-)name our products based on petitions", which is the way it should be. Eugene
7 Seversky
The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion
Then it's a tremendous pity that according to the evolutive materialism/ physicalism/ whatever you adscribe to, neither opinions nor evils are real, because free-will is a necessary precondition for them both to exist. And atheistic evolution converts people into chemically controlled automatons. It's astonishing how many times you have to be reminded of the same failures of your irrational doctrine. So here it's for you, a well deserved dunce cap. 10 Reasons why Atheists are Delusional https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/11-reasons-why-atheists-are-delusional/ Truthfreedom
@Seversky. The fact that you are still here weakens your point somewhat, eh? Belfast
I have signed the petition and would quote John Stuart Mill from On Liberty
The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.” ? John Stuart Mill, On Liberty
Sign it if you like Uncommon Descent. Because we are just so not Cancel Culture.
… given the number of contributors who have been banned from this blog over the years, I would say that is not entirely true. Seversky
Hmmmmmmm Good point AaronS1978
Would Stephen C. Meyer ever be invited to speak on Signature in the Cell (or any other topic for that matter) at the convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Science? AAAS - the organization of the high priests of scientism. Nuff said. doubter
Let him if he wants to proselytize his religion while claiming it’s not a religion go for it AaronS1978
Why would a non-existent pseudo-intellectual (Dawkins) want to visit a non-existent place? (Trinity College. Lol. Trinity. What an irony). :) On the Irrationality of Materialism/ Atomism
Scientific materialism’s “twin sister,” atomism (the claim that all reality is nothing but tiny physical particles) fails to explain a reality that few want to give up, namely, their own existence as living substantial unities. In a video on atheistic materialism I showed that, according to the logic inherent in their own basic claims, atomists, such as Richard Dawkins, do not really exist. Atomism exists as a philosophy, but atomists don’t! Dr. Dennis Bonnette https://strangenotions.com/materialisms-failures-hylemorphisms-vindication/
I would sign a petition to convert all Dawkins's books into paperweights. Or cat litter. Truthfreedom
No. There's no such thing as "free speech". Censorship is universal. Our job is to USE censorship to our advantage. Right now the censors are administering beautiful Natural Justice to Censor Dawkins. Witch hunts end when the fire burns the burners. If we try to put out the fire, we are effectively serving as enemy agents. polistra

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