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This time, human evolution was shaped by a quest for tasty food


It hinged, say ecologist Rob Dunn and medical anthropologist Monica Sanchez, on the development of control of fire:

Ancient humans who had the ability to smell and desire more complex aromas, and enjoy food and drink with a sour taste, gained evolutionary advantages over their less-discerning rivals, argue the authors of a new book about the part played by flavour in our development…

Cooked food tasted more delicious than uncooked food – and that’s why we opted to continue cooking it, he says: not just because, as academics have argued, cooked roots and meat were easier and safer to digest, and rewarded us with more calories.

Donna Ferguson, “How early humans’ quest for food stoked the flames of evolution” at The Guardian

In their new book, Delicious: The Evolution of Flavor and How It Made Us Human, they provide evidence such as this:

In particular, people who evolved a preference for complex aromas are likely to have developed an evolutionary advantage, because the smell of cooked meat, for example, is much more complex than that of raw meat. “Meat goes from having tens of aromas to having hundreds of different aroma compounds,” said Dunn.

Donna Ferguson, “How early humans’ quest for food stoked the flames of evolution” at The Guardian

The problem journalists always seem to leave hanging when writing about new theories of human evolution is, for example: If early humans weren’t smart already, they would not have learned how to control fire. If they weren’t aesthetically sensitive, they wouldn’t have noticed aesthetic differences in taste. Darwinist theories about the human mind seem to be one long parade of affirming the consequent.

See also: Eating fat, not meat, led to a bigger human-type brain

Earlier discussion of the fat theory.

Starchy food may have aided human brain development

Do big brains matter to human intelligence?

Human evolution: The war of trivial explanations

Next Human evolution will have been shaped by the quest for more money As documented in the very educational documentary done by Mel Brooks “Spaceballs 2 request for more money” AaronS1978
If evolution depends on something about food preparation, it makes sense to focus on taste rather than simple storage. Taste was the main influence on cultural and economic "evolution". Spices were precious because they improved the taste of food, not primarily because they were antibacterial. Meat can be preserved by drying (jerky), but drying makes it tasteless. polistra
Hey News, How did you come up with "affirming the consequent"? Did you read about it somewhere? Here perhaps: http://nonlin.org/consequent/? Very interesting either way. Nonlin.org
Based on the headline: Sounds like Darwinism is dervied from Biblical narrative :) but w/o the context. Sure we had a quest for tasty food. (Eve in the Garden of Eden) If you define having to work by the sweat of our brow and pain in childbirth 'human evolution' ok. To me more like 'devolution' for example the dino kind devolving into snakes. Either way, rapid adaptation, so no need for the deep-time dependent Neo-Darwin doctrine. Pearlman

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