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Yes, plants remember things – they seem more like animals the more we learn


A big, less-heralded science finding of recent decades is that plants turn out to be more and more like animals. NOT like people but like animals:

Plants, we are learning, have internal means of remembering and keeping track of things:

In a study published in Nature Communications, researchers from Nara Institute of Science and Technology have revealed that a family of proteins that control small heat shock genes enables plants to ‘remember’ how to deal with heat stress…

“Heat stress is often repeating and changing,” says lead author of the study Nobutoshi Yamaguchi. “Once plants have undergone mild heat stress, they become tolerant and can adapt to further heat stress. This is referred to as heat stress ‘memory’ and has been reported to be correlated to epigenetic modifications.” Epigenetic modifications are inheritable changes in the way genes are expressed, and do not involve changes in the underlying DNA sequences. – Nara Institute of Science and Technology, “How to beat the heat: Memory mechanism allows plants to adapt to heat stress” at ScienceDaily (June 10, 2021) The paper is open access.

Of course, plants don’t have ideas, as such. What they may remember (have an internal record of) is physical things that happened to them. Epigenetics (the genetic changes that are not inherited but acquired from a life form’s experience and then passed on) may function as a sort of memory in the absence of a brain or mind.

Plants have other ways of remembering things that researchers have begun to learn about over the last decade or two. In some cases, they can transmit information through special cells.

News, “If you do something to a plant, will it remember?” at Mind Matters News

Plants don’t have minds or brains. But minds and brains don’t turn out to be essential for just keeping track of things.

Takehome: People are becoming, more and more obviously outliers all the time. The pop science prediction had been “less and less.”

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Researchers: Yes, plants have nervous systems too. Not only that but, like mammals, they use glutamate to speed transmission (April 11, 2019)

In a letter written to botanist J.D. Hooker, in 1879, Charles Darwin wrote, “the rapid development as far as we can judge of all higher plants within recent geological times is an abominable mystery.” And in the ensuing 140 years, as more has been discovered about the sudden appearance, and amazing complexity, of plants, that "abominable mystery" has not subsided one bit for Darwinists. In fact, as the article that News highlighted touched upon, the "abominable mystery" about plants for Darwinists has only grown more mysterious for Darwinists. Here are a few more notes to that effect:
Darwin’s “Abominable Mystery”: Jurassic Flowering Plants After All? Günter Bechly - June 14, 2021 Excerpt: The study by Silvestro et al. (2021) does not unravel but rather confirms Darwin’s “abominable mystery,” because it shows that Darwin’s intuition was correct: if the evolution of angiosperms before the Cretaceous was at the same rate/mode/tempo as the evolution of angiosperms after the Cretaceous, then there should be Jurassic angiosperm fossils. Given that Jurassic angiosperm fossils have not been found, this study provides new confirmation of the abominable mystery, not its solution. https://evolutionnews.org/2021/06/darwins-abominable-mystery-jurassic-flowering-plants-after-all/ "A major problem for Neo-Darwinism is the complete lack of evidence for plant evolution in the fossil record. As a whole, the fossil evidence of prehistoric plants is actually very good, yet no convincing transitional forms have been discovered in the abundant plant fossil record" - Jerry Bergman - The Evolution Of Plants - "A Major Problem For Darwinists" - Technical Journal - 2002 online edition https://creation.com/images/pdfs/tj/j16_2/j16_2_118-127.pdf World's oldest and most complex trees - 23 October 2017 Excerpt: Fossils from a 374-million-year-old tree found in north-west China have revealed an interconnected web of woody strands within the trunk of the tree that is much more intricate than that of the trees we see around us today.,,, “By studying these extremely rare fossils, we’ve gained an unprecedented insight into the anatomy of our earliest trees and the complex growth mechanisms that they employed. “This raises a provoking question: why are the very oldest trees the most complicated?” https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/981090-worlds-oldest-and-most-complex-trees “Flowering plants today comprise around 400,000 species,“To think that the burst that gave rise to almost all of these plants occurred in less than 5 million years is pretty amazing - especially when you consider that flowering plants as a group have been around for at least 130 million years.” - Pam Soltis, curator at the Florida Museum of Natural History. https://www.floridamuseum.ufl.edu/science/flowering-plants-evolved-quickly-into-five-groups/ Another Notable Explosion: Has Darwin's "Abominable Mystery," the Origin of Flowering Plants, Been Solved? - Casey Luskin - January 2, 2014 Excerpt: "Darwin famously characterized the rapid rise and early diversification of flowering plants (angiosperms) in the fossil record as an "abominable mystery." (Well) did the researchers identify any specific, adaptive molecular changes that might help to resolve Darwin's "abominable mystery"? No, they didn't. Rather, by comparing DNA sequences in angiosperms to other plants, they found "1179 gene lineages (orthogroups) first appeared in angiosperms" and "The new gene lineages in flowering plants may have led to gene functions specific to angiosperms and crucial for their diversification and success." In other words, a lot of crucial genes for producing flowers in angiosperms don't seem to have orthologues (i.e., homologous genes) in other types of plants. This was contrary to Darwinian expectations. http://www.evolutionnews.org/2014/01/another_notable080681.html Thank God for Flowers - Hugh Ross - August 2010 Excerpt: Paleontologist Kevin Boyce and climate modeler Jung-Eun Lee,,, recently discovered that flowering plants contribute much more than romance and beauty to humanity’s wellbeing. They uncovered evidence suggesting that without flowering plants, human civilization would not even be possible. Boyce and Lee found that a world without angiosperms (flowering plants) would not only be drab and uninspiring but would also be much drier and hotter and lacking in species diversity. The researchers noted that angiosperms transpire water to the atmosphere about four times more efficiently than other species of plants. http://www.reasons.org/thank-god-flowers
It is also interesting to note that plants are far more sophisticated than many people realize:
10 Pieces of Evidence That Plants Are Smarter (and far more complex) Than You Think – 2012 Excerpt: 1. Plants communicate with insects 2. Plants have memories 3. Plants create communication networks 4. Plants grow differently in response to sound 5. Plants measure time 6. Plants know up from down 7. Plants know who is family and who isn’t 8. Plants warn each other about approaching enemies 9. Plants use camouflage 10. Plants are escape artists http://io9.com/5901172/10-pieces-of-evidence-that-plants-are-smarter-than-you-think "Hidden under your feet is an information superhighway that allows plants to communicate and help each other out. It’s made of fungi" http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141111-plants-have-a-hidden-internet?ocid=fbert
Job 12: 8-10 ask the plants of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of every human being.
So talking nicely to your plants may be a good thing after all? Of course, if plants have some degree of sentience, isn't it going to make it harder for vegetarians to feel morally superior about eating plants and not meat? Seversky
I have been watching lectures on behavior/neural development and this is not memory per se but as the OP says just a change in protein expression that leads to adaption. Similar to humans moving to a high altitude or hot environment. Not even a good analogy. jerry
As usual, the Darwinists should have listened to the actual Darwin instead of their own delusions. polistra

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