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Huge sandstone camel sculptures in Saudi Arabia are much older than thought


At one time, they were thought to be roughly 2000 years old. At 7,000–8,000 years old, they predate the domestication of camels (so far as we know):

Their age makes them even older than such ancient landmarks as Stonehenge (5,000 years old) or the Pyramids at Giza (4,500 years old). They even predate the domestication of camels, a catalyst for economic development in the region.

At the time of their creation, Saudi Arabia looked very different, with plains of grass dotted with lakes rather than the deserts of today.

It is not clear why the camel sculptures were created, but the researchers have suggested that they could have provided a meeting point for nomadic tribes.

News, “Saudi Arabia camel carvings dated to prehistoric era” at BBC News (September 15, 2021)

Ancient people get smarter every time we run into them.


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Scientists are no more racist than any other human population, possibly less so. The racist views of the Victorian era faded long ago. The humans of 8000 years ago are not now thought to be any less intelligent than we are, whatever is meant by intelligence. Seversky
Scientists are racist and tend to look down on ancient people as if they were half ape half man hybrids that were really stupid and had a half developed brain. They view these people as blacks and look at whites are further evolved and higher on the evolutionary ladder. Pure racism! But the ancients were quite smart. They were not mentally handicapped imbeciles at all. Of course, if you view men through the evolutionary lens, then yes, it's no wonder they look at them in that fashion. But the reality is often very different from theory - as this particular find illustrates quite nicely. tjguy
Man's ingenuity is an awesome thing. BobRyan
Ancient people get smarter every time we run into them .. and ... here we go again: "... much older than thought" ... Darwinian science .... martin_r
Polistra, Exactly. Although some look more like horses on donkeys to me. Also 8,000 years ago, there might have been forests and an ancient civilization there. https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/camel-sculptures-0015841 https://www.ancientpages.com/2018/02/14/huge-ancient-animal-sculptures-made-unknown-carvers-camel-site-saudi-arabia-puzzle-archaeologists/ Considering the amount of work it took, tantalizing questions include a. Who carved these images? b. When were they carved? c. Why were they carved? d. How were they carved? Some of these would take a lot of work and time to complete, plus they might have been painted. Perhaps they were to impress visitors on the skill and ingenuity of the locals. For example https://www.soulask.com/sawed-rocks-the-mystery-of-an-ancient-stone-in-saudi-arabia-mysteriously-cut-in-half/ For my part to impress guests, I sometimes carve a giant turkey for Thanksgiving . . . ; -) -Q Querius
I suppose living in a prehistoric desert without the benefits of TV, the Internet, video games, streaming movies and TV shows there's not much else to do, so why not carve out giant monuments of camels? Seversky
Fascinating. Rushmore style. ... But Rushmore was made with the aid of precise explosives developed for mining. These would have required a tremendous amount of work by hand carvers standing on built-up dirt scaffolds. If the people just wanted a symbolic statue, ceramic would have been easier. polistra

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