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Michael Egnor muses on some shaky arguments for abortion


Including the part-of-the-mother’s-body claim:

1) The fetus is a part of the mother’s body. if the fetus is a part of the mother’s body, then all pregnant women are chromosomal mosaics. That is, they are organisms that have two sets of genomes. Chromosome mosaicism is a rare disorder and is not synonymous with pregnancy. There is no such thing as “transient chromosomal mosaicism.” Furthermore, if the fetus is a part of the mother’s body, then half of pregnant women are hermaphrodites — i.e., they contain both male and female tissues. Needless to say, “transient gestational hermaphroditism” is not a recognized medical disorder.

Furthermore, if a new human life begins by a piece of the mother’s body becoming a new organism, then human beings reproduce by budding. Budding is a form of asexual reproduction used by some species of worms, sponges, corals, and microorganisms, but it is not a means of human reproduction.

There is no biological sense to be made of the claim that “the fetus is part of the mother’s body.” The claim leads to scientific implications that are nonsense.

Michael Egnor, “If a Fetus Isn’t a Human Being, What Is It?” at Evolution News (May 11, 2022)

It appears that some people will say — and literally believe — anything to get rid of a kid. But it will come back to haunt them if they also say they believe in science.

You may also wish to read: Must we be able to reason to be thought of as human persons? Michael Egnor: A common argument as to why abortion is generally ethical is that the unborn child cannot reason. Reason is a natural quality of the human being but, like everything in nature, it develops in stages. One can’t say it doesn’t exist when undeveloped.

This study (the first not performed by the abortion industry) raises serious concerns about mental health effects of drug-induced abortions' for mothers, said one OB-GYN. - 2019 https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/new-study-suggests-abortion-drugs-linked-to-depression-anxiety-in-mothers/ Abortion tied to sharp decline in women's mental health BY RYAN JASLOW SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 Excerpt: "A provocative new study shows that women who have an abortion face an increased risk for mental health problems including substance abuse, anxiety, and depression. "Results indicate quite consistently that abortion is associated with moderate to highly increased risks of psychological problems subsequent to the procedure," the authors wrote in the study, published in the September 1 issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry. For the study, researchers analyzed data on 877,000 women, including 164,000 who had an abortion. They found women who had an abortion experienced an 81 percent increased risk for mental problems. Women who had an abortion were 34 percent more likely to develop an anxiety disorder, 37 percent more likely to experience depression, 110 percent more likely to abuse alcohol, 155 percent more likely to commit suicide, and 220 percent more likely to use marijuana. Nearly 10 percent of the problems could be attributed to abortion, the authors concluded. "There are in fact some real risks associated with abortion that should be shared with women as they are counseled prior to an abortion," Dr. Priscilla Coleman, professor of human development and family studies at Bowling Green State University, told the Daily Telegraph." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/abortion-tied-to-sharp-decline-in-womens-mental-health/ March for Life Art Contrasts with Vulgar Signs at Women’s March in 30 Photos The National Review Katie Yoder and Mairead McArdle – January 19, 2019 https://news.yahoo.com/march-life-art-contrasts-vulgar-210127317.html “Today's feminism has very little to do with dignity, respect, or even promoting what's best for women” -- Julie Roys Women's March Reveals Godless Nature of Feminism – February 3, 2017 Excerpt: Madonna dropping F-bombs and talking about blowing up the White House. Actress Ashley Judd proudly proclaiming, "Yeah, I'm a nasty woman — a loud vulgar, proud woman." And mothers marching with their daughters while wearing female genitalia on their heads. The recent Women's March was enough to make most anyone think twice about supporting women's causes, especially those who are Christians. In addition to the march's vulgarity and verbal violence, it also championed abortion and banned pro-life groups from officially participating. Those, like Students for Life, who dared to march anyway were spat upon, jeered, and had signs ripped from their hands. It's no wonder a young woman from the pro-life group remarked, "If this is what feminism is, I don't want any part of it." http://www.christianpost.com/news/womens-march-reveals-godless-nature-of-feminism-174083/
DNA of the two parents creates a unique person that does not have a choice in the persons who created them. Bodily autonomy and life are one in the same And only prochoice tries to make a distinction Everyone here arguing this had a parent that at least cared a little about your bodily autonomy if you where aborted your opinion would be nonexistent like you Pregnancy is not slavery it’s a biological process that has existed this the Cambrian explosion and possibly older So participating in the process that makes humans should come as no surprise to anyone the possible consequences of sex If you don’t want a baby be an adult and use one of the hundreds of ways to prevent it rather then waiting until you have a human growing in you and killing them No one is forcing you to become pregnant Just you don’t get to kill the baby after you made it AaronS1978
This may be of interest: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/05/15/1098347992/a-landmark-study-tracks-the-lasting-effect-of-having-an-abortion-or-being-denied
Thanks, JVL, that's a useful reference. Seversky
The slaughter of babies should be unfathomable Amazing that the group who deplores gun violence is OK with the mass slaughter of the innocent. ET
This may be of interest: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/05/15/1098347992/a-landmark-study-tracks-the-lasting-effect-of-having-an-abortion-or-being-denied JVL
Silver Asiatic: If the fetus was part of the mother then there would only be the mother’s DNA. He knows that's not the case though! It was just a very weird way of making the point you seem to be thinking he was making which is: When pro-choice supporters say: my body, my right . . . that shouldn't apply to foetuses in the womb because they are not part of the woman's body since they do not have the same DNA as the mother. Is that a more better way of saying it 'cause that's a lot more coherent. And, not a bad argument I think. The pro-life position is: who's to judge whether or not any kind of life is worth keeping? Well, maybe just any human life, especially when it's nascent. JVL
I just couldn’t figure out what BobRyan was actually saying.
If the fetus was part of the mother then there would only be the mother's DNA. Silver Asiatic
Asuaber: Still a unique human baby, no matter how you try to deflect, I didn't say it wasn't. I just couldn't figure out what BobRyan was actually saying. JVL
"i wonder which other source of DNA might have been involved with the pregnancy?" Still a unique human baby, no matter how you try to deflect, JVL. Andrew asauber
BobRyan: If a fetus, which is Latin for baby, is simply part of the mother to be, why is there distinct DNA right from the start? Um . . . you mean DNA which is different from that of the mother's? Gee Bob, i wonder which other source of DNA might have been involved with the pregnancy? Or do you mean, why does a living form have DNA at all? Can you think of a life form or part of a life form which doesn't have DNA? JVL
If a fetus, which is Latin for baby, is simply part of the mother to be, why is there distinct DNA right from the start? BobRyan

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