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News from Finland


I just learned the following from a colleague in Finland:

1. The first Finnish edition of your book [i.e., Intelligent Design] has been sold out (1500 copies)
2. 30% of Finns do not believe in Evolution — which shocked our educators

Both statistics are surprising. Finland is a country of only about 3,000,000, so proportionately the book has way outsold its American counterpart (which sold about 60,000 copies here). Also, for a country as atheistic and materialistic as Finland, to have this level of disbelief in standard evolutionary theory is indeed shocking.

Clearly those 30% don't know how science works. Can't we send Eugenie there for the Winter? Mats
William Dembski wrote:
"Finland is a country of only about 3,000,000"
No! The population of Finland is about 5 273 668 :) Source: Population Register Centre Analyysi
2. 30% of Finns do not believe in Evolution — which shocked our educators
I guess they hadn't looked at the recent survey in Science which caused such a stir a few weeks ago. Finland comes a surprisingly long way down the list of believers in evolution. But then so much depends on the specific question asked. Mark Frank

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