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Check this out: The Strange Case of Dr. Darwinist and Mr. Creationist

What a hoot! This guy is as dumb as the guy who robs a liquor store and leaves his ID behind.

Inspector Clouseau would be proud to have such a proficient protégé. With clumsy enemies like this, who needs friends?

SeekAndFind, "This guy could be a creationist, or he could be an evolutionist, or maybe he is trying to sort out the arguments to see which one is more 'reasonable'." He couldn't be a Christian, though, because Christians are not to be liars. If he was a Creationist, but presented himself as an evolutionist, that would be a lie. Therefore, he cannot pretend to be an evolutionist while being a Christian. Douglas
I've actually seen people do this -- assume both sides of the position by taking on different aliases in order to "coax" arguments from both sides. Think of it as a way of trying to pick the best argument of one side and presenting it to the other side to solicit their response. This guy could be a creationist, or he could be an evolutionist, or maybe he is trying to sort out the arguments to see which one is more "reasonable". In other words, he might be trying to do this as a personal "research" sorta thing. His main problem that could probably qualify him in the "Darwin Awards" category is he failed to cover his tracks. Which of course, makes for good amusement. SeekAndFind
Thank you, Donald. Of course, though, you realize that I will now have to enforce Fundie Code #21, and exclude you from our meetings, given your too quick and too enthusiastic compliment of how I look in a dress. Douglas
I wish I would be kept informed when the dress codes change.
But you look so good in the dress, Douglas! DonaldM
I wish I would be kept informed when the dress codes change. Douglas
You have a special way with words Denyse. I love it. GilDodgen
When college professors start using this kind of games in the defence of their religious doctrine, one has to wonder what's going on.I wonder if the liberal media will pick upon this event. Mats
DonaldM, what I deeply regret at this point is that the whacko fundies did NOT make wearing ankle-length polka dot dresses, granny glasses, a white wig and an enormous floppy hat with aVERY business-like hatpin a requirement for BOTH sexes. Oh yes, and two pair of black pantihose, regardless of the weather. That way you could always spot the Darwinists on the street. The real fundies would have enough sense to ignore their own rules, but the Darwinists couldn't afford to, you see ... O'Leary
Esssentially, the Darwinists cannot find enough fundie whackos to discredit the idea of design in nature, so they are compelled to impersonate them.
You know, Denyse, I've never considered this possibility before. You might be on to something big here. Maybe all the so-called "whacko fundies" that the Darwinists having be been bashing on lo these many years, don't really exist!! Maybe all of them are Darwinians impersonating the fundie stereotype in order to provide entertainment to the Darwinian faithful on the anti-ID blogs and newsgroups! That way they can make themselves feel intellectuallly superior, while carefully avoiding engaging in real discussion and debate on real issues raised by really smart IDPs!! Then, when the IDPs are a bit too visible to ignore, the Darwinist just lable them "whacko fundies", and then keep beating the straw men they create. Whaddya think? Possible? DonaldM
Can someone who has access to Nature read and blog on this. Nature is still active in the fight against ID Volume 444 Number 7118 pp401-652 Nature Podcast FREE ACCESS This week we find out how your genes can help you to scale Mount Everest and answer correspondence on creationism in Europe. News p 406 Anti-evolutionists raise their profile in Europe The teaching of alternative theories to evolution in schools is not just an issue in the United States. Almut Graebsch and Quirin Schiermeier assess whether creationism is threatening science in Europe. http://www.nature.com/nature/index.html idnet.com.au
Esssentially, the Darwinists cannot find enough fundie whackos to discredit the idea of design in nature, so they are compelled to impersonate them. O'Leary
LOL tb
Can somebody tell me why teachings something other than a strict Naturalistic Darwinism in biology classes will "DestroyScienceEducation(TM)" ? Seriously. Most Americans don't buy the Naturalistic account, with a significant number still not buying it after years of indoctrination in it at university, and yet Science education still seems to be doing ok in the US inspite of this. Yet, the real threat to the progress of science, from animal rights wackos goes ignored. jwrennie

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