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ID Media Blitz in the UK


Here are articles that came out just since last night on the challenge to Darwinian orthodoxy in the UK. It looks as though Truth in Science is causing a media storm.











[...] https://uncommondescent.com/archives/1815 [...] ID Media Blitz in the UK : Manawatu Christian Apologetics Society
The web address for that piece is http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1555132,00.html idnet.com.au
Time Magazine 13th Nov 2006 p 41 DAWKINS "... a supernatural intelligent designer ... seems to me to be a worthy idea. .... grand and big enough to deserve respect. ..... If there is a God, it's going to be a whole lot more incomprehensible than anything that any theologian of any religion has ever proposed." idnet.com.au
Time Magazine 13th Nov 2006 p37 DAWKINS "The question of whether there exists a supernatural creator, a God, is one of the most important that we have to answer. I think it is a scientific question. My answer is no." Dawkins and Judge Jones seem to differ on that one. idnet.com.au
"It was Dawkins who in his now infamous retracted essay said that a universe with a God would be scientifically different from a universe without one." Actually, when he said this I finally began to respect him a little. avocationist
idnet.com.au said, "Richard Dawkins feels that ID is where the future credibility of theistic belief stands or falls. He never got excited about young earth creationism. It was Dawkins who in his now infamous retracted essay said that a universe with a God would be scientifically different from a universe without one. Is anyone taking odds on Richard Dawkins doing an Anthony Flew? " That is about as likely as a strand of fully functioning, self-replicating DNA coming together with out special protein folding mechanisms in a completely un-rich nutrient pond without any intelligent cause about 3.8 billion years ago. But hey, we all know this event happened, so probablistically it seems completely coherent to say that Dawkins will be the next Billy Grahm!!! rpf_ID
When we sent copies of Unlocking the Mystery of Life to Australian schools, there was a similar media blitz slamming ID as creationism in a tuxedo. They hope that by slandering ID in the media, people will throw away the information packs before looking at them. Don't they know that the more they condemn us, the more the public gets suspicious that we may just have something worth listenning to? Richard Dawkins feels that ID is where the future credibility of theistic belief stands or falls. He never got excited about young earth creationism. It was Dawkins who in his now infamous retracted essay said that a universe with a God would be scientifically different from a universe without one. Is anyone taking odds on Richard Dawkins doing an Anthony Flew? idnet.com.au

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