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Texas governor morphs into lightning rod – Prez hopeful is ID sympathizer


From Townhall (7/30/2011/AP News), we learn that Rick Perry:

… thinks a creator put life on Earth.

It gets better.

This story slept soundly through the financial crises, but ….  move over, Bachmann, new guy just landed, and let’s all keep away from open areas …

This month, he appointed a biology teacher who disputes evolution as chairwoman of the Texas State Board of Education. In 2009, that 15-member board put the national spotlight on Texas in a debate that led to adopting standards encouraging schools to look at “all sides” of scientific theory. It now is considering educational materials that promote intelligent design even though a federal court ruled against teaching the theory that life on Earth is so complex that it must have come from an intelligent higher power.

It’s interesting that many will conclude that he is political toast n’ jam for saying – and acting on – what the vast majority of Americans really believe. The whole idea of modern politics is to holler  twaddle at the twerps, and then govern as though most of them were materialist atheists.

“There are clear indications from our people who have amazing intellectual capability that this didn’t happen by accident and a creator put this in place,” Perry said.

Does he mean the design theorists? Who else is saying it wasn’t an accident? The Aristotle of Morris, Minnesota? The Sage of Chicago U? Dr. Morality for Neurons ? Check the backstory.

What makes this one worth watching is that he actually did something to address rampant Darwinism in the schools before announcing a candidacy. Being serious always raises the stakes.

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Semi-off topic. Anyone seen this yet? http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/195073/20110809/nasa-dna-meteorites-building-blocks-life-on-earth-from-space.htm IRQ Conflict
...federal court [in PENNSYLVANIA] ruled against teaching the theory that life on Earth is so complex that it must have come from an intelligent higher power. Thank God for the feds. Mung

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