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NASA is working overtime and over budget to protect us all … from space aliens?


Alerted by greenhouse gases? In “Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists” (The Guardian, August 18, 2011), Ian Sample explains, “Rising greenhouse emissions could tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat, warns a report,” Indeed, “Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilisations, say scientists.” Other worries:

The most unappealing outcomes would arise if extraterrestrials caused harm to humanity, even if by accident. While aliens may arrive to eat, enslave or attack us, the report adds that people might also suffer from being physically crushed or by contracting diseases carried by the visitors. In especially unfortunate incidents, humanity could be wiped out when a more advanced civilisation accidentally unleashes an unfriendly artificial intelligence, or performs a catastrophic physics experiment that renders a portion of the galaxy uninhabitable.

[Note: It’s come to our attention that the claimed links to NASA were overstated by The Guardian: One of the researchers works for NASA. Just to be clear. The paper is not a hoax. It was published in a journal and the authors, including the NASA employee, believe its contents. Donna Laframboise observes “if the academic paper that caught the attention of Guardian science correspondent is any indication of how the current generation of young scientists think, we’ll need to start viewing scientific findings with more than a grain of salt.” Donna, we’re ahead of you there, here.  Five Feet of Fury asks, “Why do you read newspapers any more?” ]

To bolster humanity’s chances of survival, the researchers call for caution in sending signals into space, and in particular warn against broadcasting information about our biological make-up, which could be used to manufacture weapons that target humans. Instead, any contact with ETs should be limited to mathematical discourse “until we have a better idea of the type of ETI we are dealing with.”

So our doctors should quit getting lab results by e-mail?

Does anyone remember Apollo Eleven? What happened? How did rubbish come to dominate over achievement?

“Rising greenhouse emissions could tip off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat" Didn't read the article. Not going to. This right hear is the plot of the spectacularly horrible remake of one of the ten greatest films of all time "The Day The Earth Stood Still." Aliens want to kill us because of fearmongering from The Church of Global Warming. Still, while alien invasion is a vanishingly small possibility, the consequences are so great that it is worth something to prepare. That's what insurance is for, to protect against small probability events with huge consequences. An alien invasion is a lot less likely than a flood, but the consequences are much worse. I'm not suggesting home owners buy alien invasion insurance, but the military should have some strategies in place (just like they have a plan for nuclear war, or if Canada invades the US, both highly unlikely events with real consequences). UrbanMysticDee
When I got a couple of paragraphs into the article yesterday (then stopped because I just don't have high enough boots for that) I was trying to formulate some sort of response. But seriously, that is just too far out there. Words failed me, and they still do. Wow! Brent
Well, if space aliens can wipe us out that easily I guess we haven't been designed very well, so I say broadcast away. Mung
Yes, I can see it now- aliens cruising around at warp speed and they just happen to have a tube or transistor radio receiver that can be tuned to our transmit frequencies and demodulate those received signals. (that is the major problem with seti- thinking our receivers will receive a signal sent by a transmitter sending signals our receivers cannot pick up) Joseph
It is described as a "highly speculative scenario". Think of it as an alternative to another Lady Gaga story. Neil Rickert
See also: Climate Catastrophists "Jump the Shark" _______
"To bolster humanity’s chances of survival, the researchers call for caution in sending signals into space, and in particular warn against broadcasting information about our biological make-up, which could be used to manufacture weapons that target humans. Instead, any contact with ETs should be limited to mathematical discourse “until we have a better idea of the type of ETI we are dealing with.”"
This sounds like an episode of Doctor Who. However the first sentence is at least realistically lucid. If the sum of human behavior is any indication of the psyche of Mister ET, we'd benefit from a little pragmatism, instead of the credulous notion that alien visitors should necessarily "come in peace." material.infantacy

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