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Landlady: Higgs boson, pay up by the end of the month or get out!


You know times is a changin’ when the darling of string theory and whatever is treated on these terms: “Month-end target mooted for finding ‘no Higgs’”, as Reuters’s Robert Evans puts it (September 5, 2011):

U.S.-based physicists said on Monday they hope to have enough data by the end of this month to establish if the elusive Higgs boson, a particle thought to have made the universe possible, exists in its long-predicted form.

If the answer is no, scientists around the globe will have to rethink the 40-year-old Standard Model of particle physics which describes how they believe the cosmos works.

Maybe, but they will have demonstrated – in the age of multiverse, giant sims, and holograms as representing reality –  that physics is still a science.

It’s still possible to imagine something that is not supported by evidence.

Higgs boson documentary:

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OT: Here is the entire interview with David Berlinski on Uncommon Knowledge; David Berlinski - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyxUwaq00Rc bornagain77
tjguy, Very Interesting comment, I appreciated the article and the video as well:
The Higgs Boson and Mass - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFGpNMe5eEQ Creation theory may be wrong; collider hasn't found 'God particle' Excerpt: 'No. It will be a disaster if we don't find Higgs boson, because basically the entire edifice of modern physics depends upon it." http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700175444/Creation-theory-may-be-wrong-collider-hasnt-found-God-particle.html?pg=2
Well despite him seeing a disaster for all of physics, I think quantum mechanics will get along quite well without the Higgs boson. In fact breakthroughs in quantum teleporatation, in which entire atoms can now be teleported instantly, thus completely defying the space-time construct of the standard model in the first place, had made me seriously question the wisdom of postulating a unseen particle so as to explain why other particles have mass. It seemed to as if the materialistic theory had 'run amok', if you will, in its postulation of the Higg's boson, when entire atoms are now shown to reduce to transcendent information. Would it not be far more prudent to ask how does the transcendent information impart mass to atomic particles than to postulate a completely unproven 'material' particle??? Especially since transcendent information is now conclusively proven, by teleportation, to be the basis of all material reality??? bornagain77
According to Michio Kaku, physicists will be in "deep doodoo" if they don't find this particle. Here is a quote from an interview of his that is on youtube: "If we don't find the Higgs boson we are in deep trouble. We are in deep doo-doo. The reason is that the subatomic particles in the Standard Model are the basis, the foundation of everything we know about the Big Bang, everything we know about the universe, cosmic rays (and) black holes. So if that theory is wrong, then we are really in trouble. It means we have to throw out what is called the Standard Model — and even string theory would be in danger because string theory also has a Higgs boson. Steve Hawking, my colleague, said, "Well, if we don't find the Higgs boson things would be very interesting.' No. It will be a disaster if we don't find Higgs boson, because basically the entire edifice of modern physics depends upon it." Allen J. Epling, a blogger at the Christian Post, explained how important the particle is to scientists: "Scientists believe that the Higgs particle is necessary for everything in the universe to exist. Without it the universe would never have come into existence. Without it the planets would not orbit the sun. Without it time would be meaningless and there would be no purpose or meaning to anything in the universe. Scientists have long accepted the existence of the Higgs (God) particle as being present in everything around us but cannot yet prove that it exists physically. The way matter behaves and interacts is proof enough of its existence. They accept its existence based on 'faith' that it exists." Perhaps their faith is about to take a real hit. As this story makes clear, scientists also have faith. It remains to be seen if their faith is in a reliable object, an actual object, or a figment of their evolutionary imaginations. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/700175444/Creation-theory-may-be-wrong-collider-hasnt-found-God-particle.html?pg=1 crev.info asks this interesting question: "Can science exist without an unobservable object?" Good question! "Sooner or later these theories have to detect their subjects or lose credibility in the science club." The Big Bang has been fraught with problems for a long time. If this particle is not found, what does this say about the Big Bang? Maybe this will give some scientists the courage to think outside the box and face the music. Perhaps, just perhaps, the Big Bang has so many problems because it never happened - at least that possibility needs to be considered. Perhaps God created the world after all, just like the Bible says. Just a thought. tjguy

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